

Forever SFW creator~ Artist/CLAY Sculpter & Gamer
Warrior/Dancer main
[email protected]

フォロー数:41 フォロワー数:71

After I left Uni after 1 year due to circumstances, I was at least able to continue my art and I think it was around this time I was definitely settling towards a certain style or genre or... something at least- I definitely had no idea what kind of artist I wanted to be till now

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All of these are actual year 1 Uni project pieces- when I was....19? Yeah, 19.

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This was during college- and more classwork pieces. This was were I believe I got more access to programs to work more on projects adfaf

Fun fact about the purple monkey...dino? It started out like a stegosaurus and er... then I forgot and got carried away

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Here's some end of highschool works (where I believe photoshop and drawing tablets started being a thing??) The two ink pieces was actually part of my artclass work when I got suggested to check out H.R. Giger I believe for a project?

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And here was an actual finished one that was meant to pair with the other unfinished animation back in 2017- these where a pokemon mashup that I designed and the two were twins hehee

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I just wanted to share my daft bird mascot I drew for myself for my artworks asdfsa about time I did this after god knows how long asdfsa

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Must collect all the shinies~

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Cracked open the champagne last night and got extra giggly mid-hunt in monster hunter. Poison is serious business, especially from a pukei-pukei so remember your antidote!

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Well I caved and gave this a shot. I purposely bought a jumper a few sizes larger for winter

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just yeeted on some quick colour to see what I've got to work with- definitely got some settings to figure out so a practise montage is highly due for me as I try to derust

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