

Forever SFW creator~ Artist/CLAY Sculpter & Gamer
Warrior/Dancer main
[email protected]

フォロー数:41 フォロワー数:71

Have a new doodle of a sparrow enjoying a sparkler crackling away in some kinda stand. I can't wait to craft this little one- but I also wanna finish painting this- as I'm in the middle of another doodle sketch asdfsdf the 5.3 trial music gave me too much adrenaline

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...I just wanted to share my little sparrow doodle for a future craft~

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I may have a vendetta against titan, but his axe though makes playing warrior all the more fun!

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My initial thought when I heard Machinists where going to get a new robot in Shadowbringers...

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When the compass temple? Dungeon first came out.. it was a little hot to say the least...

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redpanda likes to hang around

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