

Artist and Supporter💯 We are the art makers, creators of fantastic worlds! ETH, XTZ, SOL /Cubism/Abstract/Surrealism/ zaint.eth/tez ☦️🇺🇸🇵🇪🇪🇸

フォロー数:2492 フォロワー数:3718

1/1 “The Lamb of God” One of my first drops and very proud of the outcome, took me some time but loving it…available now 👉

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It’s not a fkdup world, it’s a beautiful world ruled by fkdup people…move on, Do what u love w pride, show others anything is possible, where there is a will✨way🛤 and ✊power!

Bit Mouse & Co. - Collection | OpenSea

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👨🏻‍🎨Hey fam I created this series of Zaint Vitalik characters celebrating the Ethereum Network and the uprising of NFT,s. Viva la Crypto Revolution! ✊🏼💥💯

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💚Good day fam! Bit Mouse and Co. new drop: “Loki” the master of mischief! Is available now 💯🔥

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🔆Good Morning art souls of the Covid got me on fire 😅🔥 I’m dropping a few new Bit-Mouse characters later today! Be ready to get yours, it’s gonna be awesome💯❤️💥🚀 here is a sneak peak of a few...

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