

A fella who likes to doodle. A mix of SFW and NSFW in here
Age 34 He/Him

フォロー数:300 フォロワー数:229

A group of doodle with the snake, Tubbs' helping Borky and Task acting childlike but doesn't know what to say next

2 13

Something I'd thought to doodle up how I'd saw Tarusk trying to keep up with Task and how he'd let out that groan xP

3 24

A simple doodle with Tarusk and Tubbs. I think I made them derpy yet cute x3

1 34

Decided to doodle something a little festive. Merry Christmas everyone!

1 17

Decided to doodle up a couple of snakes Harold and Tim

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A couple of doodles with Tarusk being very well fed and tried to give a few designs to bee dragons

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A couple of doodles of Anje with one feeding the birds while the other... um... What I thought he felt when the group left.

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A doodle of Task on a chicken... He's not amused...

1 17

A couple more doodles with the first one being Winter playing as some golden draggies come by and the other with the Grekles and Remus

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A doodle of Task on a griffon and reacting to it

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