

A fella who likes to doodle. A mix of SFW and NSFW in here
Age 34 He/Him

フォロー数:305 フォロワー数:233

Here's a doodle of Taursk and the red dragon familiar

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Taursk being a gopher x3

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Something with the good boy having his treats :3

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A simple pic with the group :3

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A little doodle of Task stuffing some loot

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A couple of doodles one with Tarusk and other with Borky being literal xP

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Here's a little doodle with Task and Taursk with the good boy having a webby mustache

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Tarusk nibbling a piece of metal

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A couple of doodles. First one is the coin bird and the second is Taursk with the "Good boy" ribbon

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A pic for voreday

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