Looking for exciting & engaging stories? Zebra Comics provides a list of premium story-driven African comics that ensure you're never bored again. Imagine...📚

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New Episode Alert🚨🚨🚨

Episode 11 of your favourite comic, KAWANA, is now available to view on the Zebra Comics App and Website. Do not miss the plot twists in this one.


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Hey peeps,

The Festive Period may be behind us, however, we still have so many gifts in store for you. Today, discover a new episode (episode 6) of THE PATRIARCH: DAMO on the Zebra Comics app.

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🇨🇵Un coup monté par le gouvernement se solde par un assaut sanglant ciblant les terroristes du bassin du Lac Tchad.

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🇬🇧When the governments around Lake Chad stage a bloody raid on a terrorist group, they have no idea that the terrorists will retaliate by taking the war to a new battleground: witchcraft.

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🇨🇵Et si les mythes disaient vrai, que les hommes peuvent contrôler la foudre...

On raconte qu'au XVIe siècle, nos ancêtres ont inventé les premiers exobots à partir de baobabs ; ces arbres mystiques qui emprisonnent les esprits errants.

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🇬🇧What if it is true that men can wield lightning and thunder?

It is said that our ancestors built the first exobots in the 16th century with Baobab trees - a tree that holds roaming spirits captive. Very few people know of their existence;

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🇫🇷Ayant longtemps subit les affres du chômage, de la misère et des échecs d'investissements, Tain se tourne vers les arnaques en lignes, les braquages à main armée et la filouterie.

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🇬🇧Tain turns to online scams, armed robberies, and swindling to escape the pain and misery of unemployment, misery, and failed investments.

Initially, he feels guilty. Then, his conscience goes to sleep when he starts reaping the rewards of his unlawful activities.

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La grand-mère d'Ikei a l'allure du grandparent ordinaire, qui vante les mérites d'une bonne fessée🧹👡 dans l'éducation d'un enfant.

Mais méfiez-vous des apparences : c'est une mémé « Android ».

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