

I'm a 21 year old bisexual autistic man(he/him). I like all kinds of vore, Death Note, PkMn, HazbinHotel and am also a Furry to top it all off lol

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# vore

wip rn still but..damn i do enjoy painting a mouth😍😍😍😍

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sorry im obsessed with drawing mouths lately🙄🙄 i swear to god ill post some actual actual vore soon LMAO.

anyways have some boy mouths while im working on shit<3 i love N

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the only way im tryna kiss w someone Am i right guys

something a tad different for my N vore but thought id be cool 4 a change. anyways love this man (cabbage)

oh and obv i colored a bit diff too im experimenting rn lol

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idk cute lil doodle i did got a heawt in his mouf<3💙idk i saw smth else like this and it inspired me

honestly like how this came out

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i forgot to post the other version cuz im a fucking idiot here you go LMAO

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happy halloween guys. here is 1 (one) N vore for you on this spooky day

i love him and i love spooky day (he is vampire 😍)

hopefully i can post more after this

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happy halloween even tho it isnt halloween yet but shh...
vampire N..yes
gonna try to do at least one more halloween themed one in my own style eventually lol

cuz i hc he has some spikey teefs anyways XD
but yeah here it is, again i tried anime ish style lol (obviously)

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hiii i rember to post😚🤗

anyways kinda a part 2 to the last Anniversary N vore one,
i rlly need to draw more lol OH also i kinda experimented w the face a bit instead of doing the same 2 ones i do LOL i think its kinda cute tbh

so heres a Lil N i love him

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this is like 2 fucking months old by now but i wanna post, ill post more later this week tho Soooooo

anywyyways N vore for u... and ik im absolute shit at "comics" but yeah, it goes from right to left btw LOL

happy october btw

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here u go tho,

anime ish kinda style N vore finally
and (yes ik it needs some work but 😘yw)

i love this man so much😍🥰💚

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