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Robbi's new face. she can't blink so she kinda smirks instead in between dialogue. She's kind of your mission briefer and the one in charge your mission to gather Maia's memories and find her. She has her own reasons to want to find her.
Worked on Agent 9's new face. His real name is Ren Hazamada. He's a high level bodyguard within the ranks of the game's main antagonistic group... W.A.V.E. Also learning how to control followers through several means lol.
This is Maia, I've briefly brought her up before. She's the main force behind all of the major events in the game oddly enough. She's the one who needs to be saved and have her memories reunited.
I need a "good" way to make a post about the plot. the reason I didn't today (other than being exhausted), was I can't think of a good format of how I wanna post it. just posting it seems off and everyone might not see it. I think I have an idea tho...
One of the antagonists of Panic Attack!, aka Alfred Winslow. You'll meet him early on as you find out about his organization known as W.A.V.E (We are Vitally Enough). Can't say too much about him tho, other than yes, he was inspired by Yoshikage Kira from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
now everyone's here lol. this actually had a lot of coding involved. I had to do a lot of "is this person in the party/ where in the party are they" checks.
Here comes a new challenger! This is D who's actually the main character of a good friend's comic book. I finally got around to drawing his sprites today. Here he's doing a certain someone's special move...
Marx with the big swing. Marx was one of the hardest/most time consuming enemies I've drawn actually. there really wasn't a frame of reference for them. but in the end, I like how it came out. It'll be a fun midboss fight.
Panic Attack! has a colorful cast of characters...
1. Alex Winters, aka Reckless
2. Riley
3. Ren Hazamada, aka Agent 9
4. Casey
you'll encounter them all at some point through your journey of Autumn Bay.