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Official Fire Emblem: Awakening Comic from Nintendo Dream
Scanlation by https://t.co/52uqC5H73t
@IKEYO_Krauser そうか、こうするためのバッチだったのか(˘ω˘)←
そんなにずっと飾ってるんだね( ゚∀ ゚)ハッ
@PlatyPaints I don't know if you're interested in seeing this but... slides this old piece of art I did over to you 👀💦
FE World started its daily character spotlight yesterday with Chrom
It's difficult to convey my whole feelings with brevity, but Chrom is my all-time favorite character in FE. I like his story in FE Awakening, his approach to life, and the connections he has with his allies
There’s no way Frederick didn’t make the cheer for Chrom in #SuperSmashBrosUltimate .
#FireEmblemHeroes #FireEmblemAwakening
@yamanami69 フェーちゃんピックアップの意味解ってるのかな?って思うくらい、たまに確率3%で全然関係ない英雄来ますよね。
騎馬クロムはカッコ良い( *´艸`)
Happy new year! Reminding you that I draw weird self-indulgent stuff
I'm laaaaaaate!
But I wanted to draw Christmas Chrobin before the year end, heh. and hey, is is a post-winter festival picture of them both finally able to spend some time together. Look at Chrom trying to get a kiss heh.
Also fits right with @fecompendium #FECChallange47