セライナのタグが付いたイラスト。 2ページ目

187 件


… I will need you to tell him something.

… … Could you do that, somehow?

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… … … I see.

( The only grave left here is her silence. )

… I … …

… … Do you … remember your dreams, Brother?

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… I fear it is not.

So close is the dream to death that they are brethren; and so I crawled here through the rift the waking call torn into their distinction your voices made. … And yet, from here, I cannot wake, [+]

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( The sigh which escapes her — proof of breath, and a strange, suspended life — ill conceals a smile )
… I shan't harry you for indiscretion when we've, indeed, matters of greater import — … and I have you to thank, first. All of you, that is; [+]

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Yes. I know. I know not who looked; but I knew there were those calling my name. That is how I came here, myself.
( She turns her familiar eyes to the sky. It rains, and yet neither of them grow even damp. )
… Would it that I knew how to end this, too.

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And of this single one, the lid opens like a door does for a visitor; and from this single one, a woman sits up like she must make ready to meet a friend. )

… Were it most any other than you, Brother, I would have demanded apologies.

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( How strange, for a hand to change shape several times while it holds another. It is longer, and then sharper, and then shorter, and then firmer —
and then silken
and it lets go. )

… You came looking for me.

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… I would ask what good comes of it — but I suppose, instead, I shall ask how often good comes of it instead of evil.

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… …

… How bothersome it is, to know love.

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( The first was just a teenage crush, so perhaps it fits, in fact, like two brown thigh-high riding boots tailored as well to her as her uniform gloves ) https://t.co/Y7JerNIlvI

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Love comes in many forms; and so romantic relationships take many shapes, as well.

I believe the discussion was on the manner of *people* those participating in it take a shine to, however.

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Talking of it does, perhaps, not.
*Practicing* courtship to the degree one must in order to establish good relationships, however, does.

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I — … I am not in pursuit of romance; that is to say, I am not in search of a relationship. Whatever manner of man may or may not [+]

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… “Type” of romantic interest? …

— We are here to wage war, not to practice courtship. Behave yourselves.

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… To think, then, there are weapons which would deny the soul their rest or flight eternal, instead locking it within steel to be expended like manure upon the fields of war …

I can think of little more atrocious.

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… In combat, we take the lives of others. This, however, we must do respectfully and cleanly, with little to no agony inflicted upon those we face not by grudge, but by circumstance.

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I would, personally, think of lightning as being alike a spear — … and yet I’ve yet to hear of a weapon which combines facets of both.

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… If the blade is truly intrinsically tied to the element of Thunder, would the Askran division of weapons by the colors it assigns them not be incorrect?

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I had, indeed, never heard of these weapons prior to coming to Askr … And I cannot deny I would much like to come into the possession of one, either, even if it is only to test your theory. https://t.co/sgXmpWF68V

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There are several which spring to mind. I shall not soil my mouth with them, however.

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I much prefer to take a position of appreciation and respect to other women in leadership positions, and those in the craft of magic.

When one thinks to sink so low, however, I shall treat her as no less than beneath me.

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… To attempt execute a child; and on entirely false pretenses for selfish gains, at that …

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… I do suppose I would agree, in a sense; festivities of this — or perhaps any — manner I personally eschew as well. They suit me not.

Such does not mean they are not enjoyable to many others, however; and as such, we should not ruin them for those.


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… Good day.

( She has been skirting the festivities as much as possible, but there is something which has bothered her enough to step forth … )

… Are we already out of carrot cake?

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My personality types are — ( quickly researching through the Great Omniscient Orb Granting Limitless Explanation what good, commandeering personality types for those in charge are ) — … ExTJ and 8w9.

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( — The thought snaps out, without her willing it, like a lantern of glass and fire blown down onto the icy paves. )

… Once I have something to show for. I … cannot return empty-handed, like this.

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… Perhaps I shall go home.
( Perhaps she should go home. Perhaps she should go home. … She misses it so terribly. It has been so long since she's seen Grado. It has been so long since she has walked the Keep. It has been so long since she last saw — ) [+]

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( Staying on the path, never straying, the young wolf will end up at an abode; like breadcrumbs, the particles of ash trace their way back to a witch. )

… Good afternoon. ( She lingers at the door. ) … May I help you?

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