セライナのタグが付いたイラスト。 3ページ目

187 件


… … And yet —
… and yet what if I should find the cure? what if — *I* should find — …

… to saddle another with the secret that it had been be, instead; … I cannot ask this of them, and — yet — …

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( thoughtlessly biting down on the spoon come with her saucer. … no; she’s probably thinking too much )

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Very well, then; I shall make my preparations, and meet everyone afield.

Do not expect me to hold back.

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The mock battles …

… Even if I am but a guest, there would be no harm in my joining, would there? As I’ve understood, after all, the Brigades sent out are meant to be comprised of various Summoners’ prime combatants.

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— Hmph.

( … She seems less than pleased to have become words upon a page within this man's story; discontented enough, in fact, to afford him no further courtesies and simply take her leave as well. )

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[ooc] her face got permanently stuck like

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I shall say frankly that, regardless of my capacity to navigate them, I've no care for political platitudes. I have been sent here on a work errand, and when it is completed, I shall leave. That is all.

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I ask not if you have never before considered the option. I ask you why you will not 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 time. And with all due respect, sir —

( It is the wrong title of address, as she knows not who she speaks to. Had she, then the flare of magic in the glass [+]

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( Oh, by all the Sacred Stones; not 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵 interaction with a child! … )

… I've nothing for you. You are to look for these, just like the eggs.

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( She remains ascetic of face as she retrieves a duo of the lightning-infused witch balls from the satchel she carries them in, and ironly hands them over. ) I see. That, then, I understand.

What I do not, however, is why you not make them yourself, [+]

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… I know not if it shall support the weight of their heads, either. … … I've now a brazen question to you, however.

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… … …

You may.
I would not advise, however, gifting one's partner with a simple handout bauble most any mage can craft 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴 as an anniversary gift.

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"In their sleep" ... I see. I shall confess I am somewhat concerned about possible injuries, as the baubles are quite fragile — but it is, indeed, a feasible ploy ...
I thank you for the idea, then.

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( rolling one of the globes between her fingers )

… It is truly rather useless, however; this magic of mine.

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Good day.

… I’d made magic trinkets for the children, to hide among the eggs. I have found myself with surplus, however. … Would anyone have an interest?

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… That I never before thought to look into this penmanship …

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The Dream Realm? …

… I see. I believe I understand the basis of the idea here. It seems to me still a dangerous undertaking, however. What we know of the lands of Nightmare makes them not sound particularly hospitable.

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( She looks at the girl somewhat blankly, in a way that's hard to read. … This iteration, at the very least, does not seem to emote that much, either. )

What other options do you have, then?

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… … …

… I shall find it, Your Majesty. … I —

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Good day.

… Have we a manner of conveying messages to different castles which does not involve Heroes' travel? Owls or pigeons, perhaps? … It seems to me I may stay a little longer; until my earring has been found, at least.

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( ↓ could pass a polygraph test even while flat out telling the most blatant lies possible ↓ )

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. . .

( forgive me. )

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— If I may ask for assistance;

I seem to have misplaced one of my earrings. I cannot leave without having again the set of them. … If any would be willing to assist me in finding it, I would be much obliged.

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( "You do not know me", she wants to say; but she should not punish the sentimental. )

So I've understood.
... Will you be going into that void as well, then?

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— I’d intended to, yes.
Is something amiss?


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( Found in the stables after a night of rest, the visiting General is readying her saddlebags to leave. For a woman of the innately resolute character any version of her is unlikely to lack, however, she is setting about the task rather slowly. )

. . .

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( Inescapably greeted as the wrong person repeatedly upon only her entrance, it is the natural consequence of her mien she is brought to the bed which is not hers at first. )

… … …
( SIGH. )

( … It never becomes easier, others of yourself. )

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… My apologies. That you hold on to such a wish insinuates a closeness I may have offended. Pray forgive me for my careless wording.

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… If I've the choice between a bed which yet belongs to none, and one's it will seem I pretend to be, I shall make of myself a demanding guest and assert my preference for the former.

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— I apologize that I've so tarried. It seems to me, however, it has become too late on the day for me to return to my castle of origin before the new morrow.

I mind not sleeping in the barracks, but I do require I am shown an empty bed.

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