テト(ナウシカ)のタグが付いたイラスト。 5ページ目

852 件


高校まで使っていた下敷きとレポ用紙が発掘され、泣き笑い。母も同じ学校で、母は薬科大、私は歯科医なりたく歯学部進路候補していたのに、叶わず、どちらも英語で落としたのと、訓戒をもらっている話をしようか。黒歴史by ∀ガンダム

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Absolutely amazing find at the pop culture store today 👀

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Des celluloïds de films du studio Ghibli, vendus aux enchères chez Mandarake dans une dizaine de jours

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my favorite characters in fiction btw if u even care

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whoa foreshortening!!
design by me

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Yes!! I do all different types of horns!

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After the release of Shrek and Shrek 2, there was a “donkey craze” in the UK where, because of the popularity of the films, hundreds of Donkeys were bought as pets. Sadly, the craze caused some Donkeys to be seriously neglected, as owners weren't prepared to care for them.

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こんばんは華金と言う言葉を未だに使っている懐かしです。さて金曜と言えば金曜ロードショーですね 金曜ロードショーでは度々ジブリ作品が放送されますが、1番放送されたジブリ作品はなんなのか?それは19回の風の谷のナウシカで最高視聴率を記録したジブリ作品は16.3%を記録した千と千尋の神隠しです

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Caraca mano eu tô pasma

Isso aqui por incrível que pareça foi gerado por uma inteligência artificial

Ao mesmo tempo que incrível e também triste para nós artista kkkkkk ಥ‿ಥ

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My grandma gave me a Peter Rabbit stuffed animal when I was 3 (which I need to find a pro to repair), along with the Beatrix Potter book set & its held a special place in my heart ever since 💚 https://t.co/Dck3UxlGQm

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