ディミトリ=アレクサンドル=ブレーダッドのタグが付いたイラスト。 329ページ目

9957 件


Pray 🙏 Dirty house 🏚
Educated 📚 Hoe 🚂
A job 💰 gold digger 🏗
Clean pussy 🧼 Stank pussy 🤢
Loyal 💍 5 kids 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Faithful 👼 Cheater 🖇

326 608

i'm bouta suck the SOUL outta this man

120 297

1st year vs senior year

51 131

Who took Os’sen out of my brain and made him blonde

0 2

Alright so. Dimitri’s expression, pose, dark circles, eyepatch... you know what it reminded me of.

2 27

Dimitri went from not knowing how to wash his hair to not knowing how to shower all together.

1 15

so che sono una testa di cazzo, ma sapete cosa mi ammazza? il fatto che 5 anni di timeskip abbiano portato Dimitri (oltre a una caterva di traumi, occhiaie e un occhio in meno) a lavarsi i capelli

0 14

Dimitri really just looks ready to cry at a moment’s notice

6 12

五年後の ディミトリ

135 315

i feel targeted once more, nintendo is after me, help

0 2

freshman year vs senior year

724 1863

what happened

57 560


61 202

Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude five years later

2710 5877

I'll be punished for doing this, but I already died after watching that trailer on - Cries because !!!

5 16

After seeing the Fire Emblem: Three Houses trailer

18 52

if you then you don't
don't love deserve
me at my me at my

180 297

Woah. Fire Emblem Glow Up

1 3

【FE風花雪月】青クラッセは全員トラウマ持ってそうだし … https://t.co/hy6PQnMpSk

0 1