パルテナの鏡のタグが付いたイラスト。 316ページ目

12856 件


過去絵失礼します…( ๑´•ω•)੭_□ ソッ

19 102


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10 31

Post 4 of your fighting mains and ask if you have rights: here they areeee

1 2

saw a few people doing that favorite game rights thing so I decided to give it a shot
do I have rights?

0 5


ちゃらら らっちゃら〜
ちゃらら ら〜ら〜♪

0 12

i'm not good at fighting games tbh

1 14

yeaahhhh but also sapphire was my first pokemon game

0 0

Prepatch Krillin would be up here instead of Byakuya but they massacred my boy 🤘😔 https://t.co/FgwZjEIpgC

0 1

Pit and Viridi are the perfect couple ❤️❤️

163 1029

Drop your Top 4 Favorite games fellas. I'm curious to see yours.
If you know me, these wouldn't be too hard to guess. I'll defend and fight for Kid Icarus till the day I die 👼

0 5

It was so hard to choose between so many good games... https://t.co/Tp9XzF2MHG

0 1

Palutena Appreciation Tweet.... 😍

4 28


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146 619

Palucina Lovers! - Lucina (Fire Emblem: Awakening) showing her passionate love to Palutena (Kid Icarus)

101 468

UHH the 4 fav video games do I have rights thing but mostly just flexing my fav games

0 6

I need attention
"drop your four favorite games and let your followers decide if you have rights"

0 2