パルテナの鏡のタグが付いたイラスト。 317ページ目

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A Gigantic Palutena - Page 02
???: I like where this is going :)

115 625

Is it time to cancel myself? I adore these games. https://t.co/Wji97CmRQ1

2 26

I can think of more than four but, here's what immediately came to mind.

(yes, I can be a basic bum when it comes to taste lol)

0 4

Drop your four favorite games and let your followers decide if you have rights

(splatoon can be 2 or 1 I like them about the same)

0 2

dO i HAVE GaMER RiGHTS??? (i'm not including games where I only like the characters)

0 1

Honorable mentions, love the mainstream Pokemon games too, but EoD/T/S win cause of feels.

0 0

Drop your 4 favourite video games and let your followers decide if you have rights.

i am such a nintendo kid it's not even funny... but these were the first four to come to mind

0 3

Numbers 1-3 easy but number 4 was a toss up between Uprising, Pokemon Black, Persona 5, Spider-Man Ps4, and Gravity Rush https://t.co/5SGlOAX3YX

0 4

These are my four current favorite games, do I have rights

1 7

I kept it to one per series as I think Xenoblade X would have also made this list. https://t.co/6AzZIY8fFC

1 2

Hopping on a trend. Do I have rights?

0 0


14 55

drop your 4 favorite video games and let your followers decide if you have rights

0 1

Drop your 4 favorite games and let your followers decide if you have rights (Stardew Valley can be replaced with Slpa2n).

0 0

Hard to choose between Ao no Kiseki and Trails in the Sky SC as my favorite but figured it wasn't fair to have two from the same series listed 😳 https://t.co/74Wp9p2jWd

0 1



2 69


8 68

September 30th vs. October 1st

58 154