ホタル(スプラ)のタグが付いたイラスト。 321ページ目

23282 件


Heya i'm Rei, a 17 y/o transmasc nonbinary lesbian, who draws a lot of funky gay ppl, mostly OCs and Splatoon themed! :]

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hey fellow valid peopl B)) names joke! im a gay, agender demiboy (they/them) and i like to draw and stream sometimes!!!

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260 1064

This is for the Callie lovers and marie had her time to shine a few days ago

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279 1369

This getting attention lol hiiii follow me if you want I make bad splatoon arts 🐙🦑🐙🦑🐙🦑🐙

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Squid Sisters at the beach since summer is near. Have tons of doodles like this that I’ll probably just color and post since they’re taking up space. I wonder what they’re talking about?

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happy bday csp! switched from ps like a year ago and ive fallen in love, def recommend it
{ }

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“Hold on to your tentacles...” “It’s Inkopolis News time!”
“Can you believe we’re already celebrating 6 whole years, Marie? Get excited! 😄”
“Oh, no... I’m gonna be getting old soon... 😒”

A little late, but Happy Anniversary, Remember to Staaaay Fresh!

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せっかくだから便乗(​ *´꒳`*​)
タコボーイとアシメ、マッシュ好きだけど最近遅筆で投稿頻度が不安定です( ˊᵕˋ ;)💦

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スプラ3も楽しみにしてます(​ *´꒳`*​)
これからもスプラ絵描かせてもらいますぞっ!!( ๑•̀ω•́๑)

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Progress screenshots from my recent Squid Sisters artwork.

(Sketch > Linework > Flat Colours)

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Marie's ready for summer! ☀️💚

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The same with Marie. I love how she looks here. ✨✨

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A bit late but Happy 6th Anniversary, Splatoon!

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Gonna retweet some stuff, then I'll be taking the day off. I'll be working six days a week for the next two weeks, so I'll need more time for myself.

You all take care, make sure you take time for yourself too, and send prayers to the Cephalogods for Squid Sisters in Splat3 ;).

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