ルナアーラのタグが付いたイラスト。 6ページ目

1896 件


4. My favourite legendaries are those that have some personality (be in in the games or the anime). Lunala and Miraidon were tied but Lunala wins by a FRACTION because it's a bat and bats are cool

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2. My favourite game is a 3 way tie between Platinum, Moon/UM and Violet

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pretty sure hes weak in battle but... moon bat

big worm that lives in the sky is a close second though

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4. favorite legendary: giratina or lunala

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포켓몬 애네도 디게 좋아해

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4. Favorite Legendary

Lunala! It's a moon bat! It's part Ghost-type! This one was made for me!

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Favourite Game: Since spinoffs a different category, im gonna say Arceus is some MAGIC. However, if you dont count Arceus as Mainseries... Pokemon Moon's got a special place in my heart. Is it the best game? No. But I'm sentimental abt it.

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Me when I can't choose just one + the two SV legendaries they are so cute

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2) Moon! Even though my first was Pearl, Moon has my favorite story and holds a special place in my heart

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2. fav pkmn game

in my mind no pkmn game will ever top these two. its just so good like everything abt it is perfect imo (i prefer sun/moon over ultra sun/ultra moon btw)

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1. impossible to choose but these are the top contenders

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favorite game -
i like all of these :) i don't have a specific favorite game lol

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4) Favourite Legendary
Lunala!! Honestly when I saw it for the first time I was like omg this Pokémon was actually made for me—

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vc vai msm me olhar no olho e dizer que os designs de sun and moon não são bons?????

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本日より、2022年冬の 開催です❄️

場所は[池袋 P'PARCO]


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Six years ago today, Pokémon Sun and Moon were first released in multiple countries for the Nintendo 3DS, on November 18, 2016!

In Europe, they were released later on November 23, 2016.


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Prompt tips:

Use RPG alignments to modify your outputs

This prompt = { Allignment } + Symmetrical Pattern

1) Lawful Good
2) Lawful Evil
3) Chaotic Evil
4) Chaotic Good

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Mystik as Lunala for yet another prompt ! Figuring out the design was a lot of fun

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