ルナアーラのタグが付いたイラスト。 7ページ目

2015 件


제가 정말 사랑하는 전포인간서사를 자료화면으로첨부합니다 https://t.co/fk9nFGB0Fa

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Good night🖤🌙

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Psychic/Ghost(Feb 13th)
Cool :D https://t.co/eozj5vThiu

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Using AI to make mythological items with the randomization and ability to conceptualize words into visuals is intriguing. Anyone in the occult zones should be using


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A more dynamic pose of that purple dragon

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4. Favorite legendary

Once again I can't pick just one so have a few strong contenders

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Unbelievable to me that this edition wasn't sold out yet. So, I sold it out. 🔥

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2. Favorite game
Self explanatory.

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4. My favourite legendaries are those that have some personality (be in in the games or the anime). Lunala and Miraidon were tied but Lunala wins by a FRACTION because it's a bat and bats are cool

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2. My favourite game is a 3 way tie between Platinum, Moon/UM and Violet

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pretty sure hes weak in battle but... moon bat

big worm that lives in the sky is a close second though

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4. favorite legendary: giratina or lunala

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포켓몬 애네도 디게 좋아해

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4. Favorite Legendary

Lunala! It's a moon bat! It's part Ghost-type! This one was made for me!

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Favourite Game: Since spinoffs a different category, im gonna say Arceus is some MAGIC. However, if you dont count Arceus as Mainseries... Pokemon Moon's got a special place in my heart. Is it the best game? No. But I'm sentimental abt it.

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Me when I can't choose just one + the two SV legendaries they are so cute

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2) Moon! Even though my first was Pearl, Moon has my favorite story and holds a special place in my heart

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2. fav pkmn game

in my mind no pkmn game will ever top these two. its just so good like everything abt it is perfect imo (i prefer sun/moon over ultra sun/ultra moon btw)

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1. impossible to choose but these are the top contenders

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favorite game -
i like all of these :) i don't have a specific favorite game lol

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4) Favourite Legendary
Lunala!! Honestly when I saw it for the first time I was like omg this Pokémon was actually made for me—

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vc vai msm me olhar no olho e dizer que os designs de sun and moon não são bons?????

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