レオ(FE)のタグが付いたイラスト。 109ページ目

4086 件


You're doing fine as is, Mozu. But your dedication is certainly noticed, and much appreciated.

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If you are not planning on sleeping anytime soon, you could get a head start on reading.

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Well, I guess we'll never know until we go up there one day ourselves.

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And likewise, I say, if I can perform a task more efficiently with magic, why expend physical energy of my own?

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Right. Gold... Of course.

With your entrepreneurship, I'm sure your gold wave dreams will come true, some day.

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And excuse me for making assumptions, but I hardly think your bow-calloused fingertips could ever be described as being "supple".

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Wh....Who knows! They are your fans, are they not?

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i'll be at booth RIGHTWING!!! will be selling some fire emblem BORBS stickers

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Tengo estas dos ilustraciones de Takumi y Leo, solo quiero hacer print de una y no me decido por cual elegir, ¿cual os mola más :/?

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I advise you not to wear that kind of expression to the council. ...I'll see you later.

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. And good Gods, do you always walk around like /that/?

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. Prince Takumi, I came to inform you that there's a war council meeting in a couple of hours, if you so wish to attend.

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heya, I just added charms to my online store! it now has charms, prints, cushions, and stands! check 'em out --> https://t.co/PbofQqLVHJ

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I commissioned to draw me some leokumi. Thank you!

46 58

takumi carrying leo, thanks for the request

438 533

it's been like 2 yrs i should;;; finish these

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That's not necessary, Anna but I do appreciate your confidentiality. You are quite the young, budding entrepreneur, aren't you?

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Hello, Mozu. Talking to yourself? A penny for your thoughts?

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Good job for pointing it out though, Nishiki. I would have overlooked it otherwise.

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Right... I see your point. Maybe someone wanted to air it out?

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It's not that I don't like snails. It's more like I gave you a task to do, and you ended up getting distracted.

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Ryoma is the only male character drawn with nipples in the beach brawl DLC. So I have this joke that he traded characterization for nips.

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