レオ(FE)のタグが付いたイラスト。 110ページ目

4085 件


The 'fun' you speak of is the comfort of having your lumbar ligaments intact for future use.

0 1

mine though... I wrote her bad poetry. Terrible, absolutely the most cliched drivel my teenage mind could come up with at the time.

0 1

Oh... sure, you can give it a go, but would you be able to? How does a killer lance smell different from any other lance?

0 0

...Does your family constantly ask you about it, too?

0 0


13 22

I wish your family all the happiness.

0 1

but in practice it's a lot messier and more of a hassle than I need to deal with at this current moment in time.

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13 27

Right... Well, if you say so. Whatever it is, I trust you will not let it affect your performance.

0 0

I see... does it happen often? No early morning hunt today then.

0 0

a wide range of emotion

264 325

Zero only needs two things in life

Inspired by an RP with im sorryyYYY
(They're playing a neopets game btw)

9 21

I'm glad. I must be on my way to a war council meeting now, but do take care on any future 'adventures' you may embark on, sister.

0 0

Could you perhaps put in a word with Mozu or the other farmers and have them plant some tomatoes?

0 0

A... what? Are you slandering me in your language?

0 1

I'm sloooowly coloring it OTZ. RIP LEO ;)

0 2

I do not take battle prowess lightly, Prince Takumi, and it is something I would most certainly not make fun of.

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Leo (drinking fancy tomato juice)

258 261

I just finished the second Charm Motive!
They are on Sale right now!!🌸RT appreciated!

22 55

...Siegbert? Is there a reason behind this nervousness? You can talk to me anytime, I am your uncle, after all.

0 0

..What kind of research? And did you root through my belongings without my permission? I told you to come to me when you wanted those tomes!

0 1


39 73

Thank you, Niles. I'm sure our other comrades will appreciate it, as will I.

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Somewhat. I woke up a bit too early today for my tastes... but it was oddly refreshing in itself.

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Good morning Siegbert. Did you have a good sleep?

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when you have throngs upon throngs of people telling you to discipline your retainer, I cannot ignore that.

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Niles, may we talk about all the complaints I've received around camp in regards to your behavior?

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Leo's long eyelashes will be the death of me i love him so much

Please do not repost!

227 265