Le Rapport W, Infiltré à Auschwitz, de Gaëtan Nocq, Prix Cases d'Histoire 2019.

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How the f*** do we have to fight nazis again??

All the nazis should be made to visit Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum just to show them what they are fighting for😡😡😡

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In memory : Westerbork, Holland, Lighting the candles on the seventh night of Hanukkah, 1943

Photo by Rudolf Breslauer, born 1903 - murdered in Auschwitz Early 1945.. 😢

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Vennero deportati nel campo di Auschwitz-Birkenau 230.000 bambini ebrei.
Dei 776 bambini italiani di età inferiore ai 14 anni deportati a Auschwitz, tornarono vivi solo 25.
Quando i sovietici arrivarono ad Auschwitz, erano in vita solo 650 bambini.
Tra questi Andra e Tatiana.

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In memory : The endstation Auschwitz-Birkenau..

..." From late April 1944, six weeks after Germany occupied Hungary, until early July, Eichmann and his aides deported some 440,000 Hungarian Jews..." 😢💙

Never Forget ! ( Zahor ! Photo from the Auschwitz Album )

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Woman Holding Two Roses, 1930

Joachim Weingart, also Weingarten (born in 1895 in Drohobycz, Galicia - murdered 1942 in Auschwitz ) - a Jewish-Polish painter...😢💔

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Restammo poco ad Auschwitz.
I tedeschi dovevano svuotare il campo e scappare prima dell’arrivo delle truppe sovietiche.
“Maledetti ebrei, è finita per noi, ma ci farete compagnia” ci urlavano.
Molti di noi morirono durante la marcia.

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So beautiful !

" Gabriele Weißmann: “Papa (note the almost obligatory sailor’s costume – Matrosenanzug) and his cousin from Lemberg ( Lwow in Galicia ) who was later deported to Auschwitz with her family, never to return."

Photo before 1918

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Béla Kádár (1877–1956) was a Jewish Hungarian painter influenced by Cubism, Futurism, Neo-Primitivism,Constructivism, and Metaphysical painting.
Raoul Wallenberg prevented his deportation as an Hungarian Jews to the Auschwitz-Birkenau killing depot..

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➡️Rubio Salva et alii, Le photographe de Mauthausen.
Francisco Boix élabore un plan pr faire sortir des photographies du camp, témoins de ce qui se passe.
➡️P. Croci, Auschwitz
Un couple se souvient d'Auschwitz.
BD sur la Shoah. Récit inspiré des témoignages de survivants du camp

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" Three women sitting at table ", 1920

Henri ( Chaim ) Epstein (born 1891 in Łódź, then under Russian rule - died 1944 in Auschwitz-Birkenau), a Jewish-Polish painter, poster painter and graphic artist working in France, a member of the École de Paris.

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Congratulations on winning 2 Audies for Fiction for The Tattooist of Auschwitz and for Audio Drama for The Martian Invasion of Earth. 👍👏👂

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Before you march with or support any person or group, give them the Wasserman test

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At the time of the liberation of the camps, I remember, we were convinced that after Auschwitz there would be no more wars, no more racism, no more hatred, no more anti-Semitism. We were wrong...

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27 January 1945- The Red Army liberates Eternal glory and gratitude to the millions of brave Soviet men & women who gave their life in the struggle against fascism-nazism.

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Congratulations to on her new acquisition of 2 Signed
& her new acquisition of my "IN THE SOFA"
Thank you , Jennifer!


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My great grandfather died during the Holocaust, apparently in Lodz ghetto. I haven't learned much about him or the rest of the family on my mother's side and even a visit to Auschwitz did not turn up anything about their fates. But I have this sepia photo. https://t.co/drayCn9JrJ

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1. In 1943 the Nazis sent French of Polish descent to to operate gas chambers & take valuables from prisoners. Post he made this self-portrait signed with his prisoner ID # & red triangle F patch—designating a French Political Prisoner.

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