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Just ordered these #ChildrensBooks by @MichaelRosenYes for Small and Little G
My #jewish family were 'On the Move' . They moved from Poland to Germany. They moved from Berlin to here. And some were moved from Germany to Auschwitz.
#refugees #BooksWorthReading
Ich war. Ich werde Staub, den Füße trampeln.
Ich weiß es. Ihr. Ihr starbet lang & seid.
Die Krämer rechnen & die Narren hampeln;
Ihr wartet schweigend unter roten Ampeln
So sanft & unerbittlich wie das Leid
Gertrud #Kolmar 10.12.1894- 3.3.1943 #Auschwitz
In 1943,Levy began his last existing painting titled Woman Playing the Guitar. On 12/ 12/43, after the German occupation, he was arrested & imprisoned at Le Murate;transferred to San Vittore in Milan.1/30/44, he was put on a train for Auschwitz. Same where Italian Sen. Segre, was
I've got mutuals who watch this pukebag
Amongst the horrible little hints, those are clearly the gates to the Auschwitz concentration camp and this artist does this inflammatory crap all the time.
So for the mutuals unaware:
TW: Antisemitism
I would recommend please blocking this disgusting human.
CW: nazism , antisemitism , auschwitz //
why do people like OP exist https://t.co/F48hRAfRmp
this is so fucking gross… imagine drawing auschwitz today of all fucking days
not a typical post from me but i would reconsider following this person
they drew auschwitz in the background and if you can't tell the sign is literally the entrance to auschwitz
“Son morto con altri cento,
Son morto chr ero bambino,
Passato per il camino
E adesso sono nel vento
E adesso sono nel vento”
- Francesco Guccini, #Auschwitz -
#GiornatadellaMemoria #27gennaio
Non bisogna mai dimenticare quello che è successo.
L'affermazione più profonda che sia mai stata pronunciata a proposito di Auschwitz, non fu affatto un affermazione, ma una risposta.
William Clark Styron
#NoiNonDimentichiamo #SalaLettura @SalaLettura
🇵🇱Antoni Czortek👊Bokser, który przetrwał niemiecki obóz zagłady Auschwitz. Znokautował prawie dwukrotnie cięższego SS- mana i wygrał życie!
Antoni Czortek to pięściarski wicemistrz Europy i czterokrotny mistrz Polski.
Przeżył wojnę, zmarł w 2004 roku.
🇵🇱🇯🇵 129 years ago Maksymilian Kolbe was born. He was a missionary and founder of the monastry in #Nagasaki. In 1941 he was detained to the german concentration camp in #Auschwitz, where he got the camp number 16670. He gave his life for his fellow Auschwitz prisoner.
OTD we share ⬇️ painting, by #Auschwitz survivor Janina Tollik (1946) "Christmas Eve".
Follow @AuschwitzMuseum-an account that keeps the names & lives of those who passed through its gates alive, that preserves the historical record, will inform, challenge & inspire.
Josef Herman, Tribute to Goya's Black Pictures (aka In Memory of the Fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto, aka Auschwitz), 1998
If you are interested in jewish or immigrant artists, see https://t.co/m1fXDoNxLa
#benuricollection #benurigallery #benuriexhibition #virtualmuseum #bu ...
“If I disappear do not let my paintings die”
Dark, thought provoking works by Felix Nussbaum (German-Jewish 1904-1944). His genius, vision and life was tragically cut short. Persecuted and murdered in Auschwitz. #holocaust #painting #artilove https://t.co/xKtvkce5PF
Franziska Schlopsnies (*1.Dezember 1884) war Mode-,Plakat- u.Werbegrafikerin. In den 1920er Jahren illustrierte sie im Stil des Art Déco verschiedene Beiträge in bekannten Zeitschriften u.gestaltete Cover. 1943/1944 deportiert, erfolgt am 30.Dezember 1944 im KZ-Auschwitz ihr Tod.
Marceli #Słodki *11.11.1892 Łódź-20.12.1943 #Auschwitz; in Zürich zu d 1. #Dada*-isten; in Berlin Leiter d „Wilden Bühne“; Mitarbeiter v #Pfemfert|s Die Aktion. 1924 Paris, stellt dort, Warschau, London aus. Im #WW2 Versteck b #Chambéry, 1943 verhaftet, deportiert
[*; L.Gottlieb]
'Los amantes' (1928) Felix Nussbaum fue uno de los poquísimos documentadores del Holocausto. Su #arte llegó a nosotros, sin embargo él desapareció en Auschwitz, el infierno que describió en sus dibujos.
@TransphobicLs His pfp is a Nazi Kamen Rider villain from Auschwitz.
This is an actual Nazi LARPer going "But who are the REAL Nazis? Us poor Nazis getting our lolis censored, or those filthy minorities we want in camps?"
'La rosa' de Salomon Garf (1879, Ámsterdam- 1943, Auschwitz) fue un pintor y artista gráfico holandés conocido por sus retratos y naturalezas muertas.