Just ordered these by for Small and Little G

My family were 'On the Move' . They moved from Poland to Germany. They moved from Berlin to here. And some were moved from Germany to Auschwitz.

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In 1943,Levy began his last existing painting titled Woman Playing the Guitar. On 12/ 12/43, after the German occupation, he was arrested & imprisoned at Le Murate;transferred to San Vittore in Milan.1/30/44, he was put on a train for Auschwitz. Same where Italian Sen. Segre, was

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🇵🇱Antoni Czortek👊Bokser, który przetrwał niemiecki obóz zagłady Auschwitz. Znokautował prawie dwukrotnie cięższego SS- mana i wygrał życie!

Antoni Czortek to pięściarski wicemistrz Europy i czterokrotny mistrz Polski.

Przeżył wojnę, zmarł w 2004 roku.

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“If I disappear do not let my paintings die”

Dark, thought provoking works by Felix Nussbaum (German-Jewish 1904-1944). His genius, vision and life was tragically cut short. Persecuted and murdered in Auschwitz. https://t.co/xKtvkce5PF

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His pfp is a Nazi Kamen Rider villain from Auschwitz.

This is an actual Nazi LARPer going "But who are the REAL Nazis? Us poor Nazis getting our lolis censored, or those filthy minorities we want in camps?"

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81 years ago Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe volunteered to die in place of a man named Franciszek Gajowniczek in the German death camp of Auschwitz.
Święty Maksymilianie Kolbe, módl się za nami!

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Charlotte Salomon was born in 1917 in Berlin. She made a brilliant autobiographical comic over 300 pages long. When her safety depended on her abusive grandfather's sexual abuse, she killed him. Nazis murdered her in 1945 at Auschwitz.

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A helpless, gold-worshipping underage who exchanges dignity and melted mascara for intoxication and gold. Tragically died as prostitute in KZ Auschwitz.

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Film 5 :

J'ignorais tout de la vie de l'artiste Charlotte Salomon, et c'est tristement brutal, sans happy-end.

Trop de musique, mais une animation très belle pour accompagner le destin tragique de cette artiste-peintre morte à 26 ans seulement à Auschwitz.

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Yes, exactly.
What's worse, even knowing what he's done in the past, they just thought it was okay to put him on the Krakoa Council alongside two Jewish characters, one of whom is a Holocaust survivor who was in Auschwitz. Also making Scott report to him. It's just disgusting.

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Today is the feast day of St. Edith Stein, who was martyred at Auschwitz. Flannery O'Connor described Stein as one of the 20th century's women who interested her the most.

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Today is International
On the night of 1944, 3,000 & were murdered in Hundreds of thousands more were killed during the
We say

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FROM ESTONIA: Influenced by folk art and possessing a rare sensibility for color, Karl Pärsimägi became known as the “Estonian Matisse”, although his oeuvre is completely independent. His life was cut short in 1941, when he was executed in Auschwitz.

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Prints by Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita (1868-1944), a Dutch Jewish artist and designer. In his old age and in ill health, he was arrested along with his wife and son by the Nazis and was murdered at Auschwitz. His former student M.C. Escher rescued much of the artwork in his home.

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"Se tu vedessi il mondo, mamma, preferiresti morire.
Ma neanche la morte ha valore.
I morti di ieri non hanno riscattato il diritto alla vita dei vivi.
Tutto è come prima di Auschwitz."

🎨 Munch

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How to Change the World in 12 Easy Steps is a new picture book inspired by Eva Kor, a child survivor of Auschwitz.

Here are some wonderful sketches from Illustrator Marie Letourneau showing the process for creating one of the book's spreads.

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Land van Maas en Waal

David Schulman (Hilversum, 1881 - Laren, 1966) He was a Dutch-Jewish self-taught painter. He was the son of Lion Szulman murdered in 1943 in Auschwitz.
Thanks to the actions of friends, he managed to escape from Westerbork.

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This 1949 painting ‘After the Ball' is a tribute by Austrian artist Marie-Louise von Motesiczky to her brother Karl who died in Auschwitz. It shows him and girlfriend Aagot, after a fancy dress ball in Vienna. GLAHA:57988

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15 lipca 1875 | W Stettin (Szczecin) urodził się niemiecki Żyd Rudolf Levy, malarz, ekspresjonista. Wyemigrował do Francji, następnie do Włoch.

W 1944 r. deportowany do Najprawdopodobniej zmarł podczas transportu.

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"Nail for Eichmann" My simple, heart-felt tribute to the survivors, and those who lost their lives at Auschwitz. Never forget, never again.

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