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✨ La sortie au Japon du tome 14 de Saint Seiya : Saintia Shô est prévue le 20 avril 2021
📅 De notre côté, le 13ème volume est disponible depuis le 8 octobre 2020 chez Kurokawa
@Kurokawa #SaintSeiya #SaintiaShô #聖闘士星矢 #セインティア翔 #ChimakiKuori #MasamiKurumada
All of PLANETES basically but Hachimaki's space vertigo stands out. https://t.co/9qktiAzczq
✨ Un poster consacré à Saint Seiya - Saintia Shô a été publié dans le dernier numéro du Champion Red
📅 De notre côté, le tome 13 est disponible depuis le 8 octobre 2020 chez Kurokawa
#SaintSeiya #SaintiaShô #聖闘士星矢 #セイティア翔 #ChimakiKuori #MasamiKurumada #ChampionRed
Posters de la Champion Red de este mes. Las ilustraciones van a cargo de Shinshu Ueda, Shiori Teshirogi, Chimaki Kuori y Masami Kurumada.
#saintseiya #caballerosdelzodiaco #manga #anime #nextdimension #noticias #cdz #lostcanvas #darkwing #saintiasho
【GOODS INFO】 🎍#새해 3일째🎍 어떻게 지내고 계신가요⁉️
온라인 사이트 HACHIMAKI의 신작 굿즈 접수 기간도 내일 1/4(월) 23:59에 종료💦
사이트를 확인하고 마음에 드는 상품을 찾아 구입해보세요👍
신상품은 이쪽: https://t.co/lajO4NU7WV
#카게프로 #카게로우프로젝트 #메카쿠시단
【GOODS INFO】 🎉”#에어코미케2” 첫날 🎉
#카게프로 최신 굿즈를 어느곳보다도 빨리 판매하고 있는 HACHIMAKI에서는 1/4(월)까지 고화상 캐릭터 파인 그래프(전6종)을 비롯하여, B2 태피스트리 등 다양한 굿즈를 판매중✨
상세는 이쪽: https://t.co/SO1DOUT9RB
#카게로우프로젝트 #설날 #연말연시
Li'l Mitsuhide n Chimaki
#cybird #ikemenseries #ikemensengoku #ikesen #ikesenart
9/11 aniversario de nacimiento de nuestro querido #Miilo de #escorpio
Ilustración de #ChimakiKuori
#saintseiya #caballerosdelzodiaco
先日のARIA STATIONでお知らせしました
IA×Ani-Artシリーズ がHACHIMAKIで販売開始しました!
第一弾は、Conqueror Ver. です😍
Follow up drawing!
Kyubei took over Mitsuhide's duty of writing missives.
Mitsuhide gave Rui a piggyback ride.
Rui pretended to be a warlord leading a charge. Chimaki copyied Rui.
Testing a new chibi style.
Mitsuhide × Rui (my OC) × Chimaki 💜
Note to self: next time to test something out, please write down what you did to get certain effects. 😅🤦♀️
@cmk_k Thanks to you, many girls feel more identified with Saint Seiya, your work is beautiful, those of us who have had the pleasure of reading it believe me that we are fascinated with your work, keep giving your best for those people who admire you Chimaki
I want to join the support but my StSho merch yet arrived...
I hope supporting through fanart does count.
I drew Harmonia, Katya, Katya+Saga, and Saori in StSho costume.
We always supporting you, Chimaki-sensei!💖💖💖
Joining #welovesaintiasho to show support to chimaki kuori and that harassment wont be tolerated if you don’t like something just don’t don’t read -watch it . You are allowed to like - dislike something but leave the author alone. santia sho it’s a good saint seiya spin off
In a world filled with hate, spread positivity and compassion. Support one another and be kind! 💫
#WeLoveYouChimakiKuori / #WeLoveSaintiaSho / #聖闘士星矢セインティア翔大好き
—— ©︎ 𝒐𝒍𝒚𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒂𝒏-𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔
Chimaki Kuori didn't have to make Saori this beautiful, but she did it for us.
【굿즈 INFO】 대호평을 받고 있는 최신 굿즈 『School Parody 랜덤 캔배지 A/B』는 온라인 판매 사이트 HACHIMAKI에서 판매중👍 서둘러 구입해주세요✋
또, 이쪽 사이트에서는 사이트 한정 상품도 있으니 놓치지 마시길🎁✨
상품 페이지⇓
#카게프로 #굿즈 #온라인판매
Usami x Subaru #fanart #konobi #konobijutsubuniwamondaigaaru #usamimizuki #uchimakisubaru