This is a water rail surrounded by tiny toadlets.

These beautiful birds are quite rare and I'm yet to see one in the wild.

Illustrated for while ago

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Bagot goat. This rare breed is found on Blithfield estate in Staffordshire has been there since 1389, and may have been brought over from the crusades.

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Just finished these waxcaps for a board 4 SSSI in meadows in

Clockwise from L Crimson, Ballerina, Golden, Blackening, Scarlet, Cedar snowy, Fibrous, Cedar snowy again, Parrot, and Golden spindles.

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Guest blog out about how loving nature is actually really good for us:

So even of its as little as walking in a park or looking out of the window at trees, do yourself a favour. Love nature!

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This Mallard in flight was completed for and features om their Wild Shreds packaging.
On my morning jog I saw ducks with 10 tiny ducklings on the

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A little late for I specialise in and I work with watercolour and gouache. My favourite subjects are and

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This proud beast is the Sika deer, Cervus nippon.

Introduced to the UK in 1860 they now range widely across conifer forests and northern heathlands,hybridizing with red deer.

They're very vocal; whistling barking and grunting

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Heres A pair of Eider ducks, hunkering down under a sleety Northumberland sky.

Eider have one of my favourite bird calls, which they do with heads flung back. For those who've not heard it, it's a baleful undulating coo.

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This week's blog is about Illustrating butterflies, a workshop I taught back in the summer, and how excellent my students were, and some of the techniques we used.

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New guest blog out, all about our native butterflies:

This guest blog by covers butterfly biology, and threats facing these glorious insects.

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