It's so today's is the 1st in He was a king of who, tested Zeus omniscience by serving him the flesh of his own son to see whether Zeus was all-knowing

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1. was the name of the of the in He was said to kidnapp the and when he was killed, she became the goddess of the Underworld.

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In was the of the ando Daughter of and and sister of carries a silver bow with gold arrows and keeps a or by her side

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Is there any significance to the in the world at the moment?

The views on my on her is going up daily and I was wondering why.

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In a was a short, human-like with large ears and a hooked nose. They caused trouble and stole from humans and were and They are scared of and

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In and the is one of the most It is a said to be hatched by a from the egg of a or It is know as the "King of Serpents"

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In the was more of a symbol than an entity It was a guardian figure, the protector of the the scourge of the enemies of It represented the pharaoh and the divine power

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We are at the cusp of In said he would kill every animal The goddesses and sent a scorpion to kill him put the in the after it won the battle as

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A is a with the head of a human and the body of a with the wings of an In the sphinx asked and ate those who got them wrong and was defeated by

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In The Hydra/Hydra of is a sea Its lair was the lake of Lerna in the It had 9 heads and if one was removed 2 more grew back in its place. It was killed by

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In the were with 1 eye, they traded the other for the ability to see the The Cyclopes were the children of (earth) and (sky) and made the used by the

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In is the son of and A of who carries (for a price) of the deceased across the and that divided the living world from the

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In is a who lives on one side of a channel of water. Sailors would pass close and her 6 heads would snatch them from boats. She had 12 tentacles, a cat's tail, and 4 dogs heads encircled her waist.

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The were in that had the form of a with female faces; they abducted people and tortured them on their way to the they were employed by the gods to punish the guilty

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Although not technically today's focus and are The 3 retribution who punished men for crimes. They were concerned with homicide, offenses against the gods, and perjury.

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In known as the is a sea child of took Loki's 3 children —#Fenrir, and Jörmungandr—and tossed Jörmungandr into the that encircles

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from is the child of chained to a rock before destined to break free, eat and the sun and help destroy the world
For more information please follow this link:

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Today's is In is the of and a He is a with three heads that guards the gates of the to prevent the dead from leaving.

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