I am very proud to announce after almost two years of working on this concept, my very first novel Naunet: The Labours of Animus is available on https://t.co/hm9pvYS59T

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In the Shakespeare Glenn with alums for production of Love's Labours Lost... Absolutely outstanding production. Also one eye on Blues game...

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Hey did you know that and I collaborated on a and Final Fantasy Tactics crossover? His sprites and my illustrations.

Things like this can get lost in the feed, so here's my completed lineup!

May our labours please you

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Love is familiar. Love is a devil. There is no evil angel but Love...

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Well, I've worked my derrière off over the last couple of months, and here are some of the fruits of my labours. I've entered these into World Illustration Awards, and whatever happens I'm very pleased with myself.

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At the Royal Academy of Arts, Wendy Shearer's Greek myths will take you across the globe with the hero Heracles and his wondrous 12 labours.
A fabulous step into greek myths.
19th Feb 10am~2pm
Royal Academy of Arts
6 Burlington Gardens
W1S 3ET London

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Lots of new displays to see in , 1st up, ‘Labours of Herakles’ by Marian Maguire, fabulous series of prints melding three cultures, Maori, Ancient Greece & Britain of Captain Cook’s era https://t.co/ntuC7sDhmk

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Rosie is love. Rosie is life. Continuing my paper miniature revamp. May my labours please

Comparing 2018 VS 2017 (in pic 2) I think I can say that for once... I drew her to scale!

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Day 12 (#inktoberday31 hooray it's over) of and the final labour of Hercules was to capture the 3-headed dog, Cerberus. This involved a trip to the Land of the Dead so fairly apt for

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Day 11 (#inktoberday31 again) of and the eleventh labour of Hercules was to steal the Apples of the Hesperides. Here's Hercules with the Hesperides' dad, Atlas.

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Day 10 (#inktoberday31 or whatever) of and Hercules' tenth labour was to obtain the cattle of Geryon. Odd looking bloke that Geryon.

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Day 9 (#inktoberday30 will I make it?!) The 9th labour of Hercules was to obtain the Girdle of Hippolyte, Amazon queen.

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Day 8 (#inktoberday29 aka don't start what you can't finish) of & the 8th labour of Hercules was to steal the man-eating Mares of Diomedes. There were technically 3 Mares but I didn't bother with the 3rd. So sue me

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Day 7 (#inktoberday21 ...) of and the 7th labour of Hercules was to capture the Cretan Bull.

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Day 6 (#inktoberday19 you know the score) of Hercules' 6th task was to kill the Stymphalian Birds. They had bronze beaks, metal feathers and poisonous poo.

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Day 5 (#inktoberday17 yada yada yada) of and the fifth labour of Hercules was to clean the Augean stables in one day. Hercules diverted two rivers through the stables creating instant squeaky-clean freshness.

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Day 4 (#inktoberday13 blah blah blah) of The fourth labour of Hercules was to catch the Erymanthian Boar

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Day 2 (#inktoberday6 for most) of and the second labour of Hercules was to slay the Lernean Hydra

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Already 4 days late for and there's no way I'll keep this up daily, so I figured 12 would be more manageable. So here's the first of the

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