Who knew changing the camera angle could make Megalith look so scenic? 😌🌳

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

2 13

Brutalist megalithic giant ape end boss concept sketch https://t.co/PDZO3QLNop

4 32

主要クライアント:Netflix, HBO, Tonko House, Square Enix等


1 9

Aerial view of the Megalith facility - Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies

37 133

Latest Art Poulnabrone Dolmen – County Clare: Original watercolour and ink drawing on ‘Daler Rowney’ fine grain – heavyweight acid free 200g paper. A dolmen is a type of single-chamber megalithic structure, usually consisting of two or more vertical… https://t.co/UPLLK0abyL

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Latest Art Proleek Dolmen – County Louth: Original watercolour and ink drawing on ‘Daler Rowney’ fine grain – heavyweight acid free 200g paper. A dolmen is a type of single-chamber megalithic structure, usually consisting of two or more vertical… https://t.co/DL2B2kEBto

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Pero para mustélidos grandes de verdad, esperad a conocer las comadrejas y tejones gigantes que hubo por ahí en el Mioceno:
-Megalictis ferox (Norteamérica)
-Ekorus ekakeran (#Kenia)
-Eomellivora wimani (Eurasia, representado en nuestro Cerro de los Batallones, (#Madrid) https://t.co/D4kZwi3gTM

14 59

Gonna start posting stuff. Here's Taur from but rethought somewhat from my original design. Old Taur is fun but this edit has better shapes, I think.

3 14

Wip dari jaman megalitikum. Belom aku lanjutin lagi HAHAHA bodo ah:( ntar aja kapan-kapan:(

0 1

New +18 The Magic Minadventures Comic available on Patreon, consisting of 11 pages of "horny-ness"


4 25

Early concept art for Megalith.👀
Now, they're desktop wallpapers.🏞️

2 20

Underhill Megalith has been added to the Patron Listings

Upcoming Update
Variant for Chibbin Knights (empty floor below, with a corridor)
Tokens, Items, and Handouts for Chibbin Dukes

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Another take on the chibi style, I think this time I got much closer to what this type of super-deformed style should need to look.

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A lockdown pen and wash drawing of the Giants Grave standing stones near Silecroft. The megaliths look awesome against the brooding backdrop of Black Combe.

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