So, my Phd has officially been submitted. Current mood.

5 99

That feeling when an indecipherable piece of your visual research suddenly clicks. My brain earlier today :)

1 16

I finally finished a fancy word cloud using R/WordCloud2 using my Bibliometrix dataset of online journals 🧐 Quite enjoying NEANDERTHAL being splayed across the center! 😎

3 17

Don't quit your PhD. This article will help you survive the horror!

7 27

How to design an outstanding poster that effectively communicates your results by in

103 252

I'm spending quality time with and I loooove making pretty plots

3 14

We are inspired by the tweets:what is it like to do a PhD? is organising an event for undergraduate and MSc students. and will tell them about funding and training opportunities.

3 8

When you finally get a FBD Combined Evidence to work, but still aren't sure what any of the magic buttons do....

0 1

Try to don't overwork and respect breaks to do anything you enjoy, e.g. Read comics, play video games, going outside, be with your family... Or do nothing at all! 🤩
To have breaks is necessary to be productive too
💜 Enjoy your holidays 😁

4 18

PLS RT! Brains, Time, Money: Part-Time & Self-Funded Postgraduate Study. 20+ researchers share experiences of the financial, personal, + professional costs,+ the ways they are treated by peers, supervisors, and universities.

2 1

Imposter syndrome level: 25 on 10
Anxiety: 9 on 10

So here’s an exasperated elephant.

1 12

When your friends have gone out to play and you're sat working on a Sunday... one month to go... you got this! 🤜🏼

0 2

On days when I do very big, long experiments, my bench always ends up looking like this. Does your correspond to the master or chaos stereotype?

1 5


I would wear the crown while teaching.

It looks like these Uranium Pageants in Grand Junction were going for at least 5 years.

14 69

Just found out I passed my PhD transfer! Genuinely excited to see where research takes me next!

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