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#MysticeteMonday! Today I'm looking at this 3D surface scan of the Miocene baleen #whale, Parietobalaena palmeri from the fantastic @NMNH collection. Not the easiest skull to lift & flip for scanning, but we did it (and many others!) 💪 #phdlife #Smithsonian @London_NERC_DTP
Finishing up the last details on the first of a set of zines illustrating ecological stories 💩🐚🐦 Looking forward to getting these printed up!
#Leucochloridium #parasitology #ecology #sciart #scicomm #phdlife
Sorry, I had been ill the last week and I couldn't prepare something for today... Although I got antibiotics, the little phage wanted to help, but they were able to infect other bacteria. #dailysketch #phdlife
When you realise your experiments are behind schedule... #drosophila #drosophilamelanogaster #fruitfly #fly #may #june #timeflies #summer #mayfly #insects #biology #science #sciencejokes #puns #phdlife #studentlife #doodles #sketch #art #scienceart #lab #animals #experiment #late
Happy 92nd birthday David Attenborough #davidattenborough #birthday #planetearth #drosophila #drosophilamelanogaster #fruitfly #biology #science #sciencejokes #biologyjokes #puns #doodle #sketch #scienceart #phdlife #studentlife #celebration #extraordinary #blueplanet
Looking forward to insect inspiration and Victorian victories in 2018 PhD life. Happy New Year! @VictorianWeb @longvictorian2 @EntoProf @bugmanjones @TheProfRog @BirkBeckArtsRes #phdlife #phdchat @FolkloreThurs @ogom @DrSamGeorge1 @hughes_rowland @c19_london @JofVictCulture
Finally got a position on campus grading intro ecology & evolution: hello tuition waiver & stipend! Goodbye life. #phdlife #phdcomics
When your upstairs #neighbors are dancing or taibo-ing or SOMETHING & you're trying to read papers for tomorrow.
#phdlife #gradschool
Sometimes #phdlife life is so stressful one needs to watch #DanceMoms to gain perspective and renew motivation #academia #PhD
Making the case for #scicomm or #scipol members on your PhD committee #phdchat #phdlife https://t.co/JsmX4zlZWU
Mixing it up - PhD students should have #scicomm committee members #phdlife #phdchat
My gel is running @BioRadLifeSci #science #geek #protein #proteomics #phdlife #laboratory
Blague de chercheurs. #PhD #PhDLife #Doctorat #thèse. (Thank you, @upmicblog)