Today I'm looking at this 3D surface scan of the Miocene baleen Parietobalaena palmeri from the fantastic collection. Not the easiest skull to lift & flip for scanning, but we did it (and many others!) 💪

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Finishing up the last details on the first of a set of zines illustrating ecological stories 💩🐚🐦 Looking forward to getting these printed up!

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Sorry, I had been ill the last week and I couldn't prepare something for today... Although I got antibiotics, the little phage wanted to help, but they were able to infect other bacteria.

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Finally got a position on campus grading intro ecology & evolution: hello tuition waiver & stipend! Goodbye life.

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When your upstairs are dancing or taibo-ing or SOMETHING & you're trying to read papers for tomorrow.

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Sometimes life is so stressful one needs to watch to gain perspective and renew motivation

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Mixing it up - PhD students should have committee members

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When your developing tooth bud turns into a Pirahna Plant

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