Dia 14: [Ghost] Banette ➕ Destiny Knot

Banette achou um novelo e agora está brincando um um pedaço de Destiny Knot.

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Minty favorite Psychic-type is Slowpoke has always been a mystery since Kanto. Since childhood, I've always been interested in Slowpoke so how could it not be my favorite.

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Day 14 : Random Fairy Type (feat a giggling Florges)

I came back on Photopea, like I need more training on CSP ... and yea, even with that, Florges' proportions are quite weird anyway xD

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Day 14 of features Caterpie, drawn by for the Caterpie isn't usually seen as a very fierce Pokémon, but this one's determined to catch you in its string shot, watch out!

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Pokecember Day 14 - Favorite Dragon Type

The edgy dragon with the weird scale suspenders, I love them

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Dia 13: [Flying] Corvisquire ➕ Leftovers

Malak vivendo de pequenos roubos e Leftovers antes de ser encontrado por Chandra (Blaziken da minha OC de pokémon).

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Pokecember Day 13 - Electric

I love hat pikachus

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Pokecember Day 13: Electric

Still going strong! Bit more of a sketch for today tho

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Today on I can't draw consistently-

Favourite Normal, Grass, Electric and Fire type

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Normal: Dunsparce
Grass: Shaymin
Fire: Torchic
Electric: Luxray

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Minty favorite Electric-type is Much more in love with its Black and White sprite but I love this dancing lamprey! Its unique design and primary color scheme is awesome.

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Day 13 of features Kricketune, drawn by for the This musical maestro with mustache mandibles truly has an memorable cry, fitting of such a momentous 'mon.

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Day 13 : Random Grass Type (feat a vibin Lilligant)

First time on Clip Studio Paint, and ... t'was a good experience, but really hard to take in hand for now. I might finish the rest of Pokecember on Photopea til someone gives me tips with CSP ^^"

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Pokecember Day 12 - Grass

Lookit them all dressed for the holidays uvu

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