After the purrrr and meow...
I try to draw neko ears and tail to Xander🐱
download link comment below⤵

22 187

“If we all learned cat-speak, we would find they are saying, “You stupid human, I am trying to tell you something important right now!”
― Leah Broadby

I hope you have a purrrrrrfect day


5 6

❤️"m-meow~ can i get headpats? *purrrr*" 👅✨


23 224

Purrrrrrrrlease as I love this NFT for so many reasons

0 0

“Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.”
— James Herriot


I hope you have a purrrrrrfect day


4 14

Purrrrrr Miaou Miaou*gratte gratte* prrrrrrr

0 8

Whoooop Whoooop! 🐾 Monday couldn't start better 😻 Thank you, my dear friend for not being superstitious and for adopting that black shabby🖤🐈‍⬛ much purrrrr to you

3 22

I hope you have a purrrrrrfect day.


“Cats will amusingly tolerate humans only until someone comes up with a tin opener that can be operated with a paw.”
― Terry Pratchett

5 10

I hope you have a purrrrrrfect day.


“Never try to out stubborn a cat.”
― Robert A. Heinlein

5 10

purrrr ( Φ ω Φ )

8 33

Sales bot is purrrring for .

I have definitely slacked following new members and sure others have too.

Can we get a going? I'll start.

28 167

congratulations again saige on reaching your goal stay slay queen purrrr

4 14


got that trans energy bubbling up again, and this wonderful piece by is the perfect portrayal of that kittymode energy


L O O K at it


0 4

Purrrr!!!!! _(:3 」∠)_

4 8