Last time of me posting Francesco before rigging and animating, but apparently he is a favourite of y'alls so far? I don't mind, sauropods are great. And this guy is absolutely MASSIVE. I really can't wait to begin bringing him to life in motion!

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I don't know, guys, gals and nonbinary pals. Sauropods are weird as they are, but Giraffatitan (or brachiosaurs in general)? Even weirder. However, I find their slim limbs and long proportions to be en par in gracefulness to Lambeosaurus, Corythosaurus, Parasaurolophus & Co. Yes.

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Dino Fact!

Eoraptor (Dawn Thief) is a eusaurischid from Late Triassic Argentina! It was among the first dinosaurs to ever live! Since it resembled both theropods and prosauropods, it was put in Eusaurischia, the group the other two diverged from!

Art by tnilab-ekneb121

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That nap doodles I promised, selected ones: Unguligrade Eurypterid, Dilong with frills, Semiaquatic sauropods, and misc

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Datousaurus; painted by Kirk. This was one of my favorite Sauropods in the book. The colors stood out so well to me, that they inspired my interpretation of the same animal over two decades later. Mine on the right for comparison; not exact, but very inspired.

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Dino Fact!

Fukuititan (Fukui Titan) is a sauropod from Early Cretaceous Japan! It's the first sauropod to be found there! It became smaller than most other sauropods as a result of living on an island, though not to the extent of Magyarosaurus!

Art by DenerDPaleoarts!

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This one was a long time in the making, as I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted. Here’s the finished piece along with the dinosaur study and the original sketch. The human figures in the early stages are way out of scale - the final creature has ended up much bigger!

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Late night appreciation post/slightly early featuring Bajadasaurus from Raphtor on DeviantArt.

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More stuff!
Hesperornithoides, Hesperosaurus, Brachiosaurs and Glyptops.

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A lot of theropods were fluffy and sauropods were scaly so I guess it makes sense that Palkia would be fluffy and Dialga would be scaly.

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Meet Saturnalia; this unassuming dinosaur is one of the earliest, most primitive Sauropodomorphs; related to the ancestors of what will become the mighty Sauropods. Unlike it's later cousins it was small, fleet footed, and omnivorous. Remains are known from Late Triassic Brazil.

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Second showcase image for the new specie being introduced in the ARPG- Shunosaurus

my first time drawing sauropods and seriously need to work on em :"D

Image for Primeval Age on DA

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Some sketches ‘n’ scribbles, from PROJECT:TEPUI which launches on Kickstarter in *checks calendar & panics* just TEN DAYS!
I’m pouring all my time & effort into this and if you’d like to be part of it you can set a reminder by going here:

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Majungasaurus had a keratinous face and a horn, which may have been used for display, defense, or both! This dinosaur also has been found with evidence of cannibalism. Its robust body wasn’t speedy like its relatives, but made up for strength to hunt prey such as sauropods!

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With around 500 teeth being replaced every few weeks, Nigersaurus was a dentist’s nightmare. It was just trying to be just like a Hadrosaur, grazing on ferns right on the ground, unlike other sauropods who preferred browsing on trees! Wow!

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An intermediary genus between prosauropods and sauropods, its known from 2 juvenile relatively complete specimens

ALT: its arms made it capable of moving both bipedally and quadrupedally similar to hadrosaurs, showing how small bipedal animals evolved into sauropods

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Yep. Tolynn was the runt of the litter so he hitched a ride on Sauropods like a giant parasite

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