画質 高画質

Vash who needs Knives to help him cum. Even when Wolfwood is fucking him, he doesn't cum. WW thinks it's because his dick game is shit (he's 12, sue him) but Vash is just like "it's not you, it's Knives... He's the only one who can make me cum..."
WW looks at him like this: https://t.co/VAh51nrCN1

2 46

qrt this with characters who you will always love even if you're not "in the fandom" anymore

I have a type sue me….Im stealing them all https://t.co/063f3JiFXs

0 1

I lied! I'm streaming now! Sue me

0 5

animated pixel tag for the always wonderful Sue! 

art © Laura Belcher 2023

0 1

Il tuo corpo è un giacinto
nl quale fruga, cn dita certe un monaco.
Il silenzio è una nera grotta, sbuca
di tanto in tanto, timida una fiera,
abbassa lenta le palpebre grevi
nera rugiada cola dalle sue tempie.
Ultimo oro di stelle cadute
/ Trakl

De Goya

4 8

This brush looks so chalky I’m lovin it (Mc Donald’s don’t sue me)

37 700

"Sunset Burst" by Philip Sue via /r/ImaginaryLandscapes https://t.co/vOnuSy2eyY

2 1

Soulfully Connecting March 2023 Newsletter - tarot reading, crossword plus 'a question answered by Carrie and Sue from our video series 'You Ask, We Answer' https://t.co/T8lBXFfli5

0 0

1931 nasce a Roma il famoso vignettista Giorgio Forattini, il re della satira politica italiana. Le sue vignette sono state raccolte in numerosi libri.

5 9

『同族殺しは愚者である』  https://t.co/nvJjP61h8b
『少年少女の結婚過程』  https://t.co/UC2wSwzS44


27 28

Sí è dileguata ormai la neve dell’inverno
e l’erba torna a crescere nei prati,
sugli alberi la chioma.
La terra muta nuovamente aspetto,
mentre i fiumi placati
scorrono ancora fra le usuali sponde
e una già delle Grazie,
seguita dalle Ninfe e dalle sue sorelle,

A. Canova

20 40

I guess I do have these as well that I've worked on...

(2022 was not really an art year and I'm focused on trying to finish other projects, so sue me. Also, I put some details in the Alt text)

0 0

El mayor plot hole en la historia de los comics es que alguien con el nombre de Sue STORM haya decidido voluntariamente llamarse Sue Richards.

25 250

tumblorbo textposties memes for the fandom hello im going to sue you for what youve done to nari love

12 44

Alas, poor Sue. You were wronged.

0 1

are desperate to keep the attention away from Sue Grey and smarmy Starmer by keeping Jug Ears in the limelight. We see you 👀👀👀

9 17

I'm a gang orca enjoyer sue me

1 4

Soulfully Connecting March 2023 Newsletter - tarot reading, crossword plus 'a question answered by Carrie and Sue from our video series 'You Ask, We Answer' https://t.co/T8lBXFfli5

0 0