Giving the man i simp for a radical style change (part 9 technically) Eldritch God Gang Orca

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❤️ Plz appreciate this 'cause wedding dress makes me in panic attacks so easily❤️

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I mostly made this for myself but realised there are other weirdos out there who love Gang Orca too😆

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Speaking of prints, and I have some great new ones from from and from

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bad bitch taste like cherry kiwi

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young his fun fact says he turns down the endless invites from aquariums to come speak and that hurt me

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P.s. I know it's a cape and not a part of his body, but I like the way it looks

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Some things I drew over the last 3 months ò wó
Can´t show the other things yet x´D

People you have to go check out ò wó , ,

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