Ein weitere Persönlichkeit des Fußballs im Comicstil, dieses Mal der frühere Schiedsrichter Pierluigi Collina aus Italien. Die Farbe des Hintergrunds stammt vom Schiedsrichter-Podcast

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: une italienne de l'expédition d'#Egypte🌴

A lire sur le carnet L'#Antiquité 👇👇👇

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Striking art of Commander Ashtar Sheran, the commander over all Arcturian lightships, under the Galactic Federation.

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The universe is full of diversity but most of all beauty... like this being from Vega in the Lyran constellation...

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The Commanders of the Ashtar Command are a strong force within the Galactic Federation of Planets. Hatonn, Ashtar and Athena.

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Avian or bird aliens are fairly common thoughout the universe. Our birds of paradise are a direct decendant of some of those races.

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The Nommo are an amphibian race from the Sirius B system znd they interacted with the Dogon tribe in Mali.

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New series featuring some of the Anunnaki characters from working at the Anunnaki base

Sargon was put in place by Anu to lead the Anunnaki Maputo base...

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Kukulkan is a Mesoamerican serpent deity that was worshipped by the Yucatec Maya. Early reptilian visitor from the stars.

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