Day 5 of
Also Happy World Mental Health Day 💚

Love Yourself ❤️

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Un yoda bb antiamsiedat para este

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(1/2) dx are common. Around 1/8 develop and many experience

If you are trying to help, offering to do something specific (e.g. bring a meal) is much more helpful than asking “do you need anything?”

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You might be tired and discouraged.
But you must be kind to yourself.


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It's World Mental Health Day. Stop. Breathe. Check in with yourself. Listen to your favorite episode of Like You and say a few affirmations. We are each a work in progress.

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For a decade and counting, I have been fighting a battle against my own mind. Though I nearly lost several times, I am somehow still here.

I am glad to have lived to meet you all today. I hope we can continue on this journey together for years to come.

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Your feelings are valid 💗 Tag a friend to remind them on

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Remember it’s okay to not be okay, getting the help you need is nothing to be ashamed of!

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It is and there are a multitude of stories out there that need to be heard. We loved article in issue 2, about how music therapy created connection between her and her grandmother around their mental illness. What is your story? ❤️

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... but with the support of a trusted adult, they can learn to understand and manage them!

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We need to continue collaborating with and in care if we want to see change in our system.

Here it is ⬇️ , the full visual of our discussion of what we need to consider in youth mental health research.

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Just a little reminder on 💖Tag a friend!

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My art is important to my mental health. I use it to escape and help me relax. My creativity takes my mind off my worries and anxiety.

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Early diagnosis and the right help can make a difference in the lives of children. Let’s let them know that it’s ok to talk about, help is available, and that they’re not alone. Things can get better!

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The world can be wonderful yet wicked, insular yet inclusive, kind yet cruel. We can each make humanity better. Show empathy, be compassionate and patient

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Has Dragon Ball improved your mental health? Have the series and fandom helped you reduce anxiety or increase your joy? Goku's spirit of endurance stopped me from committing suicide when I was bullied in school. DBZ led me into martial arts and meditation.

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I struggle with sadness and anxiety sometimes but have found drawing really helps as I feel proud of what I’ve produced. Check people are ok - listen, don’t just try to solve their problems

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Today is

It is important to take care of your mental health and look out for the mental wellbeing of others.

If you are worried or feel down, seek help and remember, people with mental illness do get better with the right help and support.

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It's Remember to support your favorite struggling artists... Like me! Unipolar disorder sucks. Here's my art!

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