Cutting down stories is difficult, but it must be done! 🔪

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One way to cut through the noise quickly is to deliver something helpful to your audience.

What would you do to balance and

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As she digs into her writing process, gets 's top tips for bestseller success and unlocks her secrets.

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Ok, I’m calling you all out!

Did you write today?

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If your is intended for short-term, try twisting a current pop culture or phrasing to your benefit.

What other ways can you think of to make your sticky?

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“There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.” Frank Herbert

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Use topic-specific to crawl public data, run identify the most common words your use.

How do you find inspiration for attention-grabbing

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New blog post: 10 more things I’ve learned on my picture book submission journey (& which I hope might help you, if you're aiming to submit as an author illustrator):

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We have a special guest column this week, from the very wise & talented ( & ). A must-read for aspiring authors, by someone who knows the book publishing business inside & out. Get into it, Open Bookers!

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One book at a time! I was a bit too ambitious and embarked on writing two books at the same time. I wrote one book with a friend (co-author) and the other book on my own. I ended up putting my individual effort on the backburner.

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Do you have characters that are weapons masters and carry multiple weapons? I found these sheets of weapon names and thought they were pretty cool. 😁👊🏻

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"In writing fiction, the more fantastic the tale, the plainer the prose should be. Don't ask your readers to admire your words when you want them to believe your story." – Ben Bova ✍️#WritingCommunity

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Good news! Your protagonist does not have to be likeable. Here's how to write an "unlikeable" protagonist.

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Write straight into the emotional center of things. Write toward vulnerability. Risk being unliked. Tell the truth as you understand it. If you’re a writer you have a moral obligation to do this. And it is a revolutionary act—truth is always subversive.—Anne Lamott

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Becoming a Better Writer: Getting Critiqued. (The purpose of a critique is to make a work better, and to bring out the best in the writing, not drag it down.)

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Today on the blog, check out my 'Lessons for Baby Author Me' interview with 🎉 She talks book promotion, blurbs, first drafts & more:

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