Amanda is a CIA analyst who thought she was willing to do anything to get promoted. But when "anything" includes getting Possessed by a demon, she becomes the spy from hell. Story based on N.R Mayfield book.

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Kayla: Terrell, cant this thing go any faster...??
Terrell: Just hold on...! Im trying...!
Ramu: I'm tired of you two...!
This scene is based on author Ben Christian book story 🙂

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"Fantasy is an exercise bike for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can." – Terry Pratchett

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"As authors, we sign a pact with our readers; they'll go on reading because they trust us to play fair with them and deliver what we've promised." – Pamela Glass Kelly ✍️#WritingCommunity

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"The discipline of creation, be it to paint, compose, or write, is an effort towards wholeness." – Madeleine L'Engle

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"There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories." – Ursula K. Le Guin

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"I would advise anyone who enters writing as a career to develop a thick hide." – Nelle Harper Lee

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"The ability of to imagine what is not the self, to familiarize the strange and mystify the familiar, is the test of their power." – Toni Morrison ✍️#WritingCommunity

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"You can, of course, to inspire others… but most importantly, you must write to inspire yourself." – Jessica Swan

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"In writing fiction, the more fantastic the tale, the plainer the prose should be. Don't ask your readers to admire your words when you want them to believe your story." – Ben Bova ✍️#WritingCommunity

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"One of the key secrets of great writing is knowing where to start and when to stop." – Chloe Thurlow

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"Literary truth is entirely a matter of wording and is directly proportional to the energy that one is able to impress on the sentence." – Elena Ferrante ✍️#writerslife

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"The object of storytelling, like the object of magic, is not to explain or to resolve, but rather to create and perform miracles of the – Tim O'Brien

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"A non-writing is a monster courting insanity." – Franz Kafka

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"She took refuge on the firm ground of through which indeed there curled the blue river of truth." – Henry James

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