This weeks are online a day earlier than usual once again - so please retweet in case anyone looks for them tomorrow and cannot see them!

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A rather poorly copy of The English Gentlewoman (1631) requested today, featuring an upside down frontispiece and manuscript annotations from former owners. (Broughton.57)

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Here, I was trying to do a comic panel equivalent of a reverse tracking shot, or dolly zoom. First used in Hitchcock’s Vertigo and with stunning effect in Speilberg’s Jaws. 1/2

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This weeks cover Grandville Noel pages 20 to 25:

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The latest Grandville Noel annotations are now live at - if you spot Bryan at ask him about them!

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Bryan knows that this image was used by Baba Brinkman as the cover to one of his CDs - but cannot remember which one! - can help a comics bloke out here?
We namecheck (and link!) to Baba on the latest at

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This time, I did the classic missing person story, centring around religious conspiracy, the politics of hatred, the buddy story and a classic con-man.

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... (taking in the locked-room mystery on the way) and incorporated many crime writing tropes, including drug-dealing, prostitution, police brutality, secret police, deductive reasoning and corruption.

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The have got to Grandville Noel: "In my journey through the themes of the detective genre, I’d done political conspiracy in the first volume, serial killers in the second and a Bond-style attempted coup d’etat in the third...

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Time to open up your cope of Grandville Bete Noire, pour a glass of something you enjoy and peruse the final batch of - including this gem - one of Bryan's favourite panels!

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Join us this Thurs Sept 20 to see current Annotations artist Patrick Goddard in conversation with author . We're going to to be talking about and Booking essential! More info & tickets available here

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The latest batch of Grandville Bete Noire annotations are now live! -

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Apparently, this cobra “and the golf ball that killed it on the third green at Allahbad in 1897” in a glass dome is a pan-universal artifact...

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Mary - also known as - suggested that I used a cod when I was stuck for the ideal animal to portray a snooty French waiter. An inspired choice!

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Cracking open the Planetary absolutes for the first time. Reading through annotations this time, too. So good.

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Explore seasonal patterns - like when Spotted Tussock Moth larva emerge - with new iNat Annotations! Read more here:

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We adore and this is one of her many wonders. A beautiful bedtime book, with engaging annotations and beautiful illustrations.

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My model's live at :D
More annotations to continue the story coming soon


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We're loving all the pics of annotations being posted. Keep them coming

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