finally made a turn around in the loose sense of the word. this is Anna-Luise, an immortal death god who loves anthropology. her mortal girlfriend who reincarnates is an archaeologist

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The Sima de los Huesos site is very important in understanding the kind of morphological variation that occurs within a single population. By itself, a jaw like AT 605 might seem like an outlier, but others within the sample share aspects of its form.

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The LB6 fossil is the second most complete skeleton of Homo floresiensis from Liang Bua, Indonesia. The jaw appears to represent a smaller individual than the LB1 skeleton. Its complete radius, somewhat bent due to a break, is 157 mm long.

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In 1999, a fossil was "found" in New York City. In this case, the fossil was repatriated to Indonesia where it belongs. Other fossils may still circulate within an illicit international antiquities trade.

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Aroeira 3 was found in a context with abundant Acheulean tools and evidence of hominin-controlled fire. It is a valuable comparison to the Sima de los Huesos sample, at similar geological age but with only a single handaxe and no remains of fire.

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Footprints discovered from the last dinosaurs to walk on UK soil

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MRD-VP-1/1 was the first relatively complete skull known for Australopithecus anamensis. Its similarities with later species like Au. africanus and Paranthropus may suggest that such traits evolved in the common ancestor of all bipedal hominins.

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The Elandsfontein farm near Saldanha Bay, South Africa, has an extensive fossil deposit eroded from ancient sand dunes. The calvaria from this deposit is of unknown age, and is similar to some "archaic" human fossils.

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The skull from Florisbad, South Africa, is a particular frustration for me. An effort to date the specimen made it a possible contemporary of but natural uranium concentration of hot spring peats likely makes this unreliable.

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Reviewer, writer, traveller, Ryan Murdock has launched a new podcast 'Personal Landscapes'. First in the interviewer’s chair is Eland's ‘Anthropology-lite’ explores the Eland list & the post-war golden age for British travel writing

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Renewed survey at fossil sites sometimes turns up additional fragments of earlier discoveries. The LH 5 fragmentary maxilla and dentition of Australopithecus afarensis has parts that were discovered in 1974 and 1979, up to 49 meters apart.

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Zhoukoudian was not the first discovery place of Homo erectus, but thanks to the work of Franz Weidenreich in the 1930s and 1940s, it became the prototype for the way later scientists understood this One reason was his reconstruction of the L2 skull.

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The femur and tibia from locality 129 were the first clear evidence of bipedal fossils from Hadar, Ethiopia, in 1973. The strong lateral angulation of the femur shaft is a distinctive aspect of bipedal locomotion in humans and our fossil relatives.

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The 1959 discovery of the OH 5 skull led to the first K-Ar age determination of sediments at Olduvai by Garniss Curtiss. Finding them to be 1.75 Ma—triple the expected age—he wrote: "One thing is certain. Olduvai Man is old, old, old!"

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An approximately 1.9-million-year-old fossil from Swartkrans, South Africa, attributed to the genus Homo is one of the first to have dental abcesses, which affect the tips of its incisor roots.

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The most well-preserved evidence of the brain of comes from the DH3 partial skull. At 450 ml, this fossil's endocranial volume is around one third the size of the average living human, but shares some aspects of frontal lobe form.

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Skull 3 from Dmanisi is one of the most complete cranial remains attributed to Homo erectus. This individual represents a stage of development just before adulthood, with third molars just beginning to erupt.

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