2nd conscept for the stone age fantasy setting

Coexisting hominin species is one of the things that make prehistory so suited for fantasy imo

They are inspired by Homo Sapiens, Neanderthal/Denisovan and Homo Floresiensis but the last 2 are very different from their inspirations

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There aren't a lot of fantasy settings based on prehistoric stuff these days. I'll make some conscepts for one as an exercise.

Basically non-avian dinosaurs survived to coexist with hominins and there is magic.

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Science news: Paleontologists have discovered a bone belonging to the largest otter that lived about 3 million years ago - at the same time as one of our hominin ancestors.
My 🐵 brain: *prehistoric neuron activation*

0 17

The General Great Ape HAM, the first hominin to break the atmosphere of Earth, continued his training, and was awarded the medal of honor, becoming a passionate and entrepreneurial leader in Space programs for young apes. Space Bapes launches soon. 3...2...

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Congratulations to Svante Pääbo, my PhD supervisor, for his “for his discoveries concerning the genomes of extinct hominins and human evolution”

121 1496

Geneticist Svante Pääb has
been awarded a Nobel prize
for his work on evolutionary
genetics (3 October 2022):
Pääbo discovered a
completely new hominin
entirely [the Denisovans]
by analyzing & comparing
Neanderthal genome sequences.

6 22

Imagine trying to sleep in the dark Plio-Pleistocene nights, knowing unseen, silent monsters were prowling about, potentially looking for you :B Dinofelis is popularly imagined as a primate predator, but at least one study found Megantereon was a more frequent hominin hunter.

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And don´t forget there's also a hominin skull from Dmanisi, Georgia, that shows bite marks of a sabercat, likely a Megantereon. https://t.co/ZXchHKQ4v9

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A variety of giant "tortoises" shared the planet with humans and other hominins during the Pleistocene and Holocene. Compare their size and discover where they lived with this amazing poster.

Design by


25 103

África fue uno de los lugares clave en este proceso de aridificación, puesto que contaba con muchas especies de homininos (si bien también había Europa y Asia).

Gran parte de las selvas dieron lugar a pastizales abiertos con vegetación dispersa.

0 5

Leti (U. W. 110) is the first skull of a Homo naledi child found. This pic compares its 3D reconstruction with other Homo naledi specimens (top) and other hominins (bottom). Credit: Brophy J.K. et al. (2021)

10 42

Cráneos de Sima de los Huesos: fracturas leves curadas en todas las edades y ambos sexos (fig 1: golpecillos...), y 9 de 20 con fracturas perimortem ¿indicativas de violencia?
Taphonomic-forensic analysis of the hominin skulls from the Sima de los Huesos

3 13

Taphonomic-forensic analysis of skulls from Sima de los Huesos by
et al. Of 20 known skulls, 17 have healed depression fractures. "Recurrent acts of lethal violence…thus seem evident."

6 17

"hominins overcame major ecological challenges while relying on technological strategies that remained essentially unchanged"
Oldowan Technology Amid Shifting Environments ∼2.03–1.83 Million Years Ago https://t.co/92xngn1zT4

16 41

i really hope amber's new jacket ends up being a boon and not some weird cursed hominine artifact because the moment they started talking about gold epaulets i immediately thought of RGU. let the lesbians win griffin

0 5

Distances in the Space are inmense: we see how galaxies were million years ago:

M33: its light from 2.7M years ago by A.Roig

M81: Light from 12M years ago, before any hominin lived on earth by J.Zapata

Quasar 3C279, as it was 5000M years ago, before earth was formed by X.Bros

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Revision of hip flexor anatomy and function in modern humans, and implications for the evolution of hominin bipedalism by Jayc Sedlmayr, Karl T. Bates, and is now out:

5 19

Some hominins from the Middle Pleistocene in China, from L to R: Hualongdong 6 , Zhoukoudian 12, Hexian, Dali.

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