DAY 15: continues with Noriko Ashida aka SURGE! Surge is a young mutant with electricity-based powers, and presently requires gauntlet-like regulators to fully control her powers. CRIMINALLY ignored and should be used more.

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DAY 13: continues with Shiro Yoshida aka SUNFIRE! Sunfire is Japan's premier superhero who converts solar radiation into plasma. Constantly seeking redemption after becoming a member of the Four Horsemen. Deserves more respeck.

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Day 12: KRAKOAN week continues with KWANNON! An assassin who swapped bodies with the X-Man Psylocke. Kwannon died, got better, got her body back and now goes by Psylocke. Marvel FINALLY listened and got the white girl out the Asian body.

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23rd for is Erica LIang
she's the coowner of udon shop & japanese bakery & has been donating thousands of meals to hospitals/senior homes
she's also been delivering them herself

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DAY 11: continues with Xi'an Coy Manh aka KARMA! Karma is a mutant with the ability to mentally possess others. A founding member of the New Mutants she is one of the few openly lesbian characters. TRAGICALLY missing from the film.

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Forever writing and making art that I want to see when I was growing up. We've come so far even now. Have an amazing

Embrace your heritage 💖

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Join me as we celebrate Asian superheroes this month and ALL months - yes, even the DC ones. Now is not the time for partisan hackery!

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DAY 10: For we also kick off with Jubilee! Jubilee is a long-time member of the X-Men. She lost her mutant powers, was turned into a vampire, got her powers back and adopted a baby boy named Shogo who can also be a dragon.

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DAY 9: One of Marvel’s NEWEST and BRIGHTEST heroes, Pearl Pangan aka WAVE! A Filipino hero with the power of Hydrokinesis, Wave is a member of Asia’s greatest protectors, THE AGENTS OF ATLAS!

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my 20th for is
she's been teaching everyone how to cook w/everyday groceries from her fridge.
i am grateful for it.

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DAY 7: AMADEUS CHO! The 8th smartest person on the planet, Cho has a hypermind which allows him to run limitless calculations in his head. Now a slimmed down version of Hulk named Brawn, Amadeus defends ASIA as the leader of the AGENTS OF ATLAS!

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Day 6: JENNIFER MEI SPARKS! Born at the beginning of the 20th Century, Jennifer is a spirit of the mechanical arts and crafts, empowered by the defining technology of her era, and created by unknown powers to defend the Earth. Read The Wild Storm.

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Day 5: Cindy Moon aka SILK! When Peter Parker was bitten by the spider that gave him his powers, it managed to bite another before dying. This woman, hidden for years by Ezekiel from Morlun, has been found by Spider-Man and now goes by Silk!

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my 16th for is
when she isn't modeling or designing, she's co-founded the nonprofit that's donated ventilator splitters, ear savers &n95 masks to multiple hospitals

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DAY 4: For DOCTOR APHRA! Chelli Lona Aphra was a archaeologist recruited by Darth Vader after the Battle of Yavin. Aphra, along with her assassin droid companions, 0-0-0 and BT-1 fulfilled several missions for the Sith Lord.   

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DAY 3: Kong Kenan aka THE SUPER-MAN! Kong of Shanghai is bestowed wit the powers of Superman by the clandestine Ministry of Self-Reliance. Rather than be a force for good, he begins to seek out fame and fortune until he learns his true destiny!     

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Day 2: NICO MINORU! The daughter of Robert & Tina Minoru and the unofficial leader of the Runaways. She posseses the Staff of One, a mystical staff which can grant any wish but only once. Played masterfully by on  

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Lets kick it off with the soon to be MCU favorite, SHANG-CHI! The son of a villain crime lord, Shang is the best fighter in the Marvel universe. He chooses to use his talents to fight evil and defend the innocent. Soon to be played by

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my 11th for is of Kelly Bit of Sublima Jewelry
she's donated 100% of sales to this last month and raised over 12000 meals for

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