my 38th for is of David Kong, /owner of where they’ve distributed 1000’s of meals to hospitals & seniors!

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23rd for is Erica LIang
she's the coowner of udon shop & japanese bakery & has been donating thousands of meals to hospitals/senior homes
she's also been delivering them herself

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my 16th for is
when she isn't modeling or designing, she's co-founded the nonprofit that's donated ventilator splitters, ear savers &n95 masks to multiple hospitals

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my 11th for is of Kelly Bit of Sublima Jewelry
she's donated 100% of sales to this last month and raised over 12000 meals for

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9th for is of Helen Nguyen of
instead of opening her restaurant she makes hundreds of meals a week for hospitals & seniors & even hand writes each bag

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my 8th for is of Jessica Ng. she’ll kick your ass in the ring an then save your life by making you a mask

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my 4th for is of Rich Ho of
even with the shop closed, Rich has been going in each day making hundreds of meals a week for senior homes and hospitals

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