
221222 Jonathan Andersonがインスタに#防弾少年団V の写真1枚を掲載

📌 https://t.co/XOxkeomTwI

♥️ いいねとシェア、ブログを

🔍 https://t.co/hqBX0Ej4vp

22 146

Amava il consumismo Andy Warhol. E quindi il per l’artista era un momento favoloso che guarda, a sorpresa, con occhio innocente. Sempre pop, vero, ma con una dolcezza infantile inaspettata.

18 82

A Christmas Eclipse - Part 9

Oh no...I'm debating it...I'm considering it...oh no....poor poor Eclipse...Lunar is so eager to tickle him. XD

14 136

(+1) in 1976
Cover of The New Yorker, December 20, 1976
Charles Saxon

5 18

Exy actually loves the concept of Christmas and the vibes it brings. Someone give her presents, she wants more outfits.😳

4 23