Here we go! Lady Beatrix of the first card of many for D-deck, a poker deck consisting of characters from all over the FF worlds.
The main goal of this project to familiarise myself with Clip Studio Paint - how's this for a first attempt?

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Domestic Dog (Mixed-Breed)

Conservation Status: Domesticated
Romanised Name: Ieinu (Zasshu)
Also known as: Mutt
Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
Diet: Omnivore
Distribution: Universal
Japanese Name: イエイヌ(雑種)
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 12-15 years

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Participe à ce 2e tournoi où les decks de démarrage s’affrontent.
Idéal pour les débutants, pas besoin de deck, tout vous sera prêté.
Teste un nouveau deck après chaque manche et tente de te familiariser avec le jeu.

Événement Facebook:

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Hi, and thank you for this thread! I'm Mystic, illustrator and co-creator of an upcoming webnovel and a visual novel series. I work with my husbando on a fantasy romance story called Familiaris, and with my brother on an epic adventure saga. Pleased to meet everyone ^-^

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A small collection of our resident Hypnosis Sorcerer, Iylen Benilese, drawn by . I gotta say I absolutely love how his eyes came out!

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The logical paradox at the centre of RL Stevenson's 1891 story, 'The Bottle Imp', is said to be inspired by the Grimm tale 'Spiritus Familiaris.' Here we have:

'Der Flaschenteufel' (1952) dir. Ferdinand Diehl.

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No matter how spooky it might be, you're sure to find new friends in Did some more character sketches today, including some familiarish faces? 👻⛳

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Humanos y perros llevamos juntos más de 20.000 años. ¿Dónde, cuándo o cuántas veces y en cuántos lugares tuvo lugar la domesticación del lobo, ‘Canis lupus’ para acabar siendo ‘Canis familiaris’ sigue siendo tema de debate.

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Iylen is an empath, feeling your beauty and your pain.

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Be careful Ladies, Gentlemen, and every lovely shade in between~ Fyfe here is liable to steal your heart!

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Je me familiarise avec mon nouveau logiciel dessin !

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Trying to get myself familiarised with CSP _(:3JL)_

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Kor and Iylen both know how the Discovery of the Gift can disrupt one's charted life. Though of wildly different beliefs and rearing, empathy and loyalty keep this duo side by side without question, no matter how extreme their trials become.

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Today, on the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, we will begin to reveal our project to the world! Please, stay tuned and enjoy.

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Mai // Juillet // Novembre

Clairement ce fut l'année la moins productive pour moi depuis que j'ai commencé à dessiner... Mais au mois j'ai pu tester de nouvelles choses et me familiariser un peu avec l'aquarelle..

Mon 2018 Art Summary sera probablement très vide ;;

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Esquimaux Dog (Canis familiaris) from the viviparous quadrupeds of North America (1845) illustrated by John Woodhouse Audubon. Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.
Download this image:

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un test pour me familiariser avec photoshop^^

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No doubt you've heard of the genie in the bottle, what about 'The Bottle Imp'? Inspired by the Grimm tale 'Spiritus Familiaris' and based on R.L. Stevenson's 1891 story, 'The Bottle Imp': 'Der Flaschenteufel' (1952) dir. Ferdinand Diehl.

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Canis Lupus Familiarisは

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Canis Unfamiliaris ch 1 is set to release this fall and in it the emotional and physical strength of two lovers is tested as they stand up for what they believe in. Will they be able to protect those they care about from the ravages of war?

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