「こいつはいい! まだまだ出せるぞ!(敵弾を)」
Xbox版「Graze Counter GM」は2023年1月19日(木)に にて配信予定!

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Hi I'm new here. Currently learning and working on my very first game.

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7 42

Base for cutscenes are implemented. I can just copy-paste objects for the other scenes, making life easier 😅

6 8

We have a big announcement today! The Glitch Fairy is almost complete, and we now have the game’s official cover art!

This beautiful, dynamic piece was drawn by the one and only !

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3 59

A square version of the closed beta trailer because yall twitter mofos like square videos more for some reason 🥲

Wishlist Return: https://t.co/XqLKSAdWHN

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A Shout-Out to another dev I really look up to, . Here's some fan art she did a while back! Ever waiting for your game! <3

5 41

Come work with us~! We're hiring;
• GBStudio Developer - GBStudio Project
• Porting Programmer - Gamemaker Studio 2
• Programmer - Unity/Unreal


10 20

In 2022's next update, an option to allow duplicates of characters is added. When enabled, the Player Number will be shown at the Champion Screen.

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