La portada de issue 3 by . De puro entusiasmo hice una versión inspirada en BNA. Se publicará pronto vía ¿les dije que amo mi oficio? ¿no?

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A favorite from my deceased strip, "Family Tree" on GoComics (where you can see it full size). This is how the Schuylkill River looked 3 days after Ida. The bridge would have been underwater on day 1.

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The last Fried Chicken and Sushi comic for a while. Here's how I posted it on GoComics.

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This was my first time drawing these characters! I’m always grateful for the fans that request these fun sketch covers. Much love to you guys.

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Updated thumbnail of my comic, Soul To Go :)
Thank you webtoon, again, for the recommendation! Please enjoy my comic here, if you wish!

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¡Atentos! En menos de 2 Horas tendremos los primeros detalles oficiales de la nueva pelicula.

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Artes que o Alex Ross irá vender na San Diego Comic Con esse ano

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