Terminado el modelo de la navaja! Tiene algún error que otro, pero lo que me importa es el proceso y seguir aprendiendo cosas nuevas y explorar otras maneras de llegar al resultado!

9 30

Hello ! I am Winny, Lead 3D Artist/Concept Artist in games! I like to draw cute object, critters, and hardsurface design!

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editing fun :D
and like 50 minor modeling tweaks that aren't visible from here hehehe

3 28

Hello ! I am Winny, currently working as a Lead 3D Artist/Concept Artist in games. I am really passionate in hardsurface and creature designs! In my spare time, I like to do research about how mechanical objects work and animal behaviour!

19 45

Saint 14! Mooore chest and arm hardsurface details! And some tactical pouches and straps and all that jazz
kthxbaii :D

6 36

Terminado el modelo de M-O de Wall-e! Esto es lo que he estado haciendo todo este tiempo callao, he tardado fleje por problemas personales, pero poco a poco voy a ir volviendo a darle caña a esto 🔥🔥🔥

20 44

Nothing functional just another 2d paint tool test . this time I used hide tool for isolate shapes for more focus .

1 14

Glam metal c'est forcement une histoire de robots non ? :p

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