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Gerald Robotnik based his attempts to create the Ultimate Lifeform off of Perfect Chaos and Super Sonic, after visiting Angel Island and seeing prophetic hieroglyphs of them https://t.co/mSO0AD2WmE
♡ Anime Character Redraws (coloured) ♡
*Sorry took so long there was a lot of colouring involved decided to twt both one with hieroglyphics and not*
♤Issei & Akeno
♡Kazuma Sato
I hope you guys like @AkenoHime2
(All likes/comments/rts are appreciated)
Tenoch y Metzin fundadores de Mexico-Tenochtitlan. #Mexico #México #Tenochtitlan #Tenochtitlán #Tenoch #aztec #azteca #Nahuatl #nahuatlglyphs #aztecglyphs #glyph #nahuahieroglyphs #jeroglíficosnahuas #jeroglíficosaztecas #jeroglíficos #glifos #glifosnahuas #glifosaztecas
El dios de la lluvia se llamaba Ihk' Xib Chahk, en Maya Clásico, cuando está en el oeste. Éek' Xiib Cháak es en maya yucateco. #maya #mayanglyphs #mayanhieroglyphs #jeroglíficosmayas #glifosmayas #caligrafía #caligraphy #brushlettering #raingod #diosdelalluvia #chaak #chahk
El dios de la lluvia se llamaba K'an Xib Chahk, en Maya Clásico, cuando está en el sur. K'an Xiib Cháak es en maya yucateco. #maya #mayanglyphs #mayanhieroglyphs #jeroglíficosmayas #glifosmayas #caligrafía #caligraphy #brushlettering #raingod #diosdelalluvia #chaak #chahk
El dios de la lluvia se llamaba Chak Xib Chahk, en Maya Clásico, cuando está en el oriente. Chak Xiib Cháak es en maya yucateco. #maya #mayanglyphs #mayanhieroglyphs #jeroglíficosmayas #glifosmayas #caligrafía #caligraphy #brushlettering #raingod #diosdelalluvia #chaak #chahk
Yax Ha'al Chahk, o, Yáax Ja'al Cháak es el nombre del Dios de la lluvia maya cuando está en el centro. #maya #mayan #mayanglyphs #mayanhieroglyphs #jeroglíficosmayas #glifosmayas #caligrafía #caligraphy #brushlettering #raingod #diosdelalluvia #chac #chaak #chahk
Uno de los señores de Ik'a'. #maya #mayan #mayanglyphs #glyphs #mayanhieroglyphs #hieroglyphics #jeroglíficosmayas #jeroglíficos #glifos #glifosmayas #caligrafía #pincel #tinta #caligraphy #brushpen #ink #brushlettering
Huk Chapaht Tz'ikiin K'inich Ajaw es el nombre completo del Dios del Sol. Lo escribí en el estilo de los "glifos rosas" típico del Señorio de Ik'a'.
#mayanglyphs #mayanhieroglyphs #jeroglíficosmayas #glifosmayas #caligrafía #caligraphy #diosdelsol #sungod #kinich #kinichajaw
Anubis doing his thinking in front of the hieroglyphs depicting him and Seth spending time together is so devastating; I can't even imagine how much he misses those times. Mojito-Nim also does such an excellent job at isolating him in this scene, it feels *so* lonely.
107 - Cleopigeon
108 - The Slave-pigeon Master
109 - The Hieroglyph Pigeon https://t.co/QnIAeB4FVW
110 - The Faraon Pigeon
When Egyptian hieroglyphs are easier to read than your handwriting. 🙄
#Hellenic origin of Europe
Formation of the Greeks 4600–2600 BC & the first #Greek states 2600–1450 BC in #Cretan Hieroglyphs and #LinearA Script